Friday, October 24, 2008

A simple request

I came across a blog of Hyrum's old friend from Wyoming, so I told him about it, and that opened a can of worms. For the next few days, he was a blogging maniac searching for and finding all sorts of old friends and acquaintances from his past. The funny thing is, many of them have us on their list of friends, but we never even knew they had a blog because THEY NEVER LEAVE A COMMENT!!!

So, Hyrum has a request, and I have to side with him. If you want to be an anonymous blog-stalker, fine, but at least once a month or so, or every 10 visits or something, leave a comment so we know you care/exist and actually look at our blog. Plus, we'd like to catch up with old friends, and that would be easier if they let us know of their existence and blogs by leaving a comment on ours. Personally, I consider it a common courtesy to leave a comment on each person's blog that I look at, but that's just me. Hyrum's just as guilty as most people because he's an anonymous blog-stocker too (the hypocrite), and even though he wants people to leave comments on ours, he's a bit negligent about leaving comments for others.

On a completely different note, Hyrum has a relative (Cindi), who has a similar pet peeve as me. I can't stand it when signs are misspelled. I mean, come on, if you're going to make a sign for the world to read, spell check it or have a great speller proof read it! I can't believe how many signs are out there with serious mistakes. If you're going to pay for a massive billboard to advertise on and you sell countertops, make sure someone points out that you spelled it "counertops" before you let the world read it as they drive by. Really, are your "counertops" of the same quality as your proof-reading skills? I'm not a perfect speller, though I consider myself to be pretty darn good, but my math...I wouldn't trust putting my math on a billboard before consulting a calculator first, but then again, I wouldn't be posting my math since I know I'm not good at it. Cindi takes pictures of signs that are misspelled, so I'm posting this one for her because I, too, take pictures of misspelled signs as I drive by saying "Oh, come on!!! You've got to be kidding me!" My simple request is, IF YOU'RE GOING TO WRITE/MAKE A SIGN FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, SPELL CHECK IT FIRST!
We spotted this sign in Roseburg on Wednesday.

I don't normally correct other people's spelling (aside from Hyrum's), unless it's a word that is repeatedly used and doesn't make sense, (you know who you are, don't you?), but I also encourage people to correct ME because if spell check didn't catch it, I was just going too fast and I'd appreciate a head's up.


John-Maren Goodman said...

Just to prove to you how illiterate I really am, I had to glance twice at the picture just to then sound it in my head, then out loud to realize what was wrong with it!! I know, I know..."come on maren!" Right! I lived in too many places that had crapy educators! Plus I swear I'm dyslexic!! Hope you love me anyways!

Anonymous said...

OK I visit your blog more often than I leave a message! I'll comment more! :)

The Not-a-hoes said...

i had to double read the sign too but once i knew i was looking for something i saw it lol.
promise we wont steal anymore names, we actually have a horrible time remembering new names so i knew kiersa but could not remember milly for the longest time...and yes david does clean out the kitty litter. i agree with the smoking!!
i have been debating on getting rid of our cat too, she is getting horrible! like she is in her terrible twos! she meows all night and i am such a lite sleeper anyway that now i am lucky to get a few hours of sleep before the sun comes up!

Cindi said...

LOL!! I read the sign just as it's written.. availi-able. ha, ha. I'm glad I'm in good company in the print-critic department! We should start a separate little blog where we post pictures of all the errors we catch. We could even use a cute counertop background... whatever THAT is. ;)

Unknown said...

hello cousin dear... Love your blog... I will try to comment more often also.. rather than just lurking! :)

Eric, Mindy and Kacey said...

OK we're guilty as charged. Eric and I have been keeping up with your cute little family for quite some time but in my defense I must say that we have only been official bloggers for the past month or so. Anyhoo...we love reading your blog and think your kids are just about the cutest kids ever. Thanks for letting us be a part. I was trying to remember when it was that I last talked to Hyrum and when I figured it out I felt like a really terrible person--it was when he called to tell me about your new baby Talea! Pretty bad! Anyway, I miss you and do think about you guys often. Hope all is going well.

The Lanyons said...

So I guess you took me off your auto-mailing list thereby forcing me to go to your website and feel guilty if I don't leave a comment. Just kidding, it's better. Love ya!

Teresa Jolley said...

I can't keep up with your blogs to comment on every single one so I usually leave one comment per how many I read that day. In this case I have about 7 posts of yours to read. Luv you for keeping us informed. I love it.