Monday, July 14, 2008

Tuffcluff revamp and old hyandti news

My sister, Daisha, and her husband run our Cluff family website. They've restructured the website now to make it a lot easier to find things, and they won't be doing newspages or updates on families since most of us have blogs now, and the rest will hopefully have one soon. We'll do our own updates on our blogs. These are updates from over the years off of our Tuffcluff website that Daisha sent to me so I could put it in my blog since they will no longer be on our web page. I want to include it in my journaling, so here they are. By the way, you should check out since the restructuring. It's so funny! Make sure you click on family pictures and things because funny things happen. Daisha and Edward are comic genius'.

Autumn 2004

Hi everyone! We all love it here in Coquille. The rainy season is starting, and it's beautiful. Hyrum is busy at work with big projects, and business is doing well. We miss everyone, and regret that we can't see you all more often. Hope all is well. Come visit if you can! Talea's growing and changing so fast. Her head was shaved twice, but we're letting it grow back now and it's coming in fast. It's long enough to get messy! It looks so much better now because she no longer has a mullet and it's all nice and even in length everywhere (see Fall News article: Bald & Toothless). She's starting to get really good at sitting up, although she does fall to the sides a bit (and to the back if she gets kicking hard enough). She has always hated her car seat and cries non-stop while travelling, but lately she's gotten a little better because she rides in it every morning (in her stroller) when she goes on walks with her Mommy and Aunt Karen. She's decided a pacifier isn't her worst enemy anymore, so she'll even take that on occasion, which makes trips in the car a bit nicer. She talks a lot now and laughs tons at her cousin Canyon and her Daddy. Mommy doesn't seem to be quite as amusing. She's taken an interest in her puppies (Cowboy, Indian, and Scout), but they're a bit stand-offish when she reaches for them because they know they have to be so careful around her. They don't know what to think when her tiny hands grab them. Last week she weighed in at 13lb 12 oz and 25" so she's still a little one, but she's got fat rolls all over finally. She's just barely starting to fit 3-6 month clothes, even though she'll be turning 6 months in just 11 days. Time flies! No teeth yet, and she still doesn't want to roll over! She rolled over all the time when she was around 2 months old, but now that she's rolly polly, she's decided the effort isn't worth it. She gets supplemented with bottles now that she'll take them, and that's what has finally put some meat on her skinny bones. Apparently her Mom's skim milk just isn't fat enough for her (see Summer News article: Skinny & Sweet).

Spring 2004

See the Tuffcluff for more information on Tiana and Hyrum's new baby Talea (pronounced Tah-LEE-ah).

Autumn 2003

While we were vacationing in Wyoming this summer, we found out that we're expecting a baby, which will arrive on May 18th, 2004. And no, it's not another puppy (though we do consider our three Min Pins our babies). We've been married for almost 3 years now without any success in the pregnancy department, so when we found out about this pregnancy, we couldn't believe it was true--even after taking 4 pregnancy tests! (Poor Hyrum was sent to the store at 11 pm to pick up pregnancy tests, much to his embarrassment.) If you count the doctor's test, we've taken 5 tests in all...all positive. On Oct. 15 we went to the first OB appointment and were able to see the baby by way of ultrasound. We saw it move and saw its little heart beating. We also saw the arm and leg buds, the spine and the yolk sack. Of course at 9 weeks along the embryo is only an inch long. There's been no nausea or other typical symptoms, aside from exhaustion and ice cream cravings, so it was nice to see the baby and have reality hit us. Finally it feels real! We don't care if we have a boy or girl; we're just glad to know there's only one in there. With twins on both sides of our family, and having taken a fertility drug to induce ovulation, we were a little nervous that we would have to prepare ourselves for more than one baby.

Summer 2003

This summer our babies (Cowboy and Indian--our adorable Min Pins) had their first babies, which were so adorable that they were sold before they were old enough to leave their mother. The female went to Utah to live with Hyrum's sister and we took the male to Wyoming to meet his new family since we were headed out there for a family vacation anyway. It was really difficult selling the puppies, so in order to ease the pain we bought an adorable, tiny Min Pin puppy the same age as the two we sold. She was nameless for a week, but after much debate we finally agreed to name her Scout. She's stag red (which is dark red with black hairs intermingled--she has a black muzzle and a black stripe down her back), Cowboy is black/rust and Indian is chocolate/rust. So now we have three babies.

Hyrum's brother came home from his mission to Argentina, so we took Daisha and Edward along with us to Wyoming and we stopped at fun destinations such as Craters of the Moon and Yellowstone. This was Edward's first taste of the "old west," but even after all the fun adventures, he still clings to his saying, "There's nothing cool about the old west." We even let him shoot a shotgun and ride a horse, which he was very good at, especially since it was his first time for both. Oh well, we tried.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Well, "comic genius'" is going a bit far - but if you insist....