Monday, July 28, 2008

Service with a smile

Saturday was our stake service project day, in honor of Pioneer Day, so we headed on down to Port Orford on the coast, and worked as a ward on trimming the hedge by the tennis courts and basically sprucing up the area. This park was a bit of a shock, because even though Port Orford is such a tiny town, it had the most amazing park. It had a playground, tennis courts, handball courts, miniature golf, horseshoes, a skate park, a baseball field, hills to roll down, a pavilion, and even an arena for riding your horse, complete with barrels to do barrel racing! All in one central location! What a brilliant idea. I think the only thing they were missing were basketball hoops for the court.
Hyrum worked with a hedge trimmer while I raked up the mess, until Kiersa needed me. The kids played on the playground and then went on a walk to pick up litter. Every time Hyatt would catch a glimpse of Hyrum or I, he would get a silly grin and come running over to us and hang out for a while. He even tried to start the weed-eater by himself, which was sooo adorable.

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