Sunday, July 13, 2008


I was going through some old pictures, and I came across pictures of me and some of my friends over the years. I thought I'd post them, since oddly enough, all of these friends have blogs and many of them I had lost touch with until very recently.

I have to start out with Angi, even though I couldn't find the picture of the both of us together that I love and I KNOW I have. She is the kind of friend that is the most devoted and loyal of all friends. Angi is my cousin, and is 2 years younger than me. We didn't get along at first, but we struck a bond my last year in high school and it's been unbreakable since. I don't know anyone more dedicated than Angi when it comes to keeping a friendship alive and current. She calls me constantly (and now skypes...finally!!!) and I'm so grateful for that!!! I've always hoped that she hasn't noticed that she calls me 20 times for each 1 time that I call her. She must know my dialing phobia, and thus makes the effort herself. What a sweetheart! She's especially great for doing that for me. I was honored to be a bridesmaid at her wedding, and we're still close to this day. Angi's daughter, Dana, is 5 days younger than Talea, and that's really fun. Talea's first 3 birthdays were spent with Dana out in Utah.

Dana, Tilly

Dana, Tilly

Tilly, Dana

Angi and Jared

Angi's kids

Tome (pronounced Tommy) is the friend I've had the longest in my life. She too is my cousin and is only a month older than me. Sometimes we've been closer than other times, but we've always been friends and have been able to pick up where we left off like no time has passed. I was also a bridesmaid at her wedding. She's definitely a true friend that I've been grateful to have! Tome's son, Jude, is 3 months younger than Talea.

Tome and I as kids (don't ask my why I'm squatting over her head...poor thing)

Leaving for our junior winter formal.

Karin was my best of best friends at Ricks. We were roommates our sophomore year and shared the same major. We just seemed to be perfect friends. We never fought, and we even thought we'd live by each other forever. We even dated boys (Jimmy and Mark) that were roommates! We spent countless hours just talking and laughing way into the night, and we'd rent 5 movies for 5 days for $5 and just waste the weekend away watching them and laughing together. I was a bridesmaid at her wedding too! One great sadness in my life is that I don't ever get to see her since she's always been moving all over the world, always so far away from me. I don't know that I've ever had a friend since Karin whom I felt such a kinship with. I long to see her again! Karin's son, Matthew, is two months younger than Hyatt.

Karin and I (on the outsides) as roomies.

We're the two on the left. We were Home Ec majors together.

Jimmy and I (on the top) and Karin and Mark (the bottom middle couple). As roommates, we dated boys that were roommates.

Our Jimmy and Mark voodoo doll after both couples broke-up. Daisha made me a man-hater break-up care package, and Waldo was the voodoo. It really helped!

Karin's family now

Nancy transplanted to Ashland during high school and we worked together our senior year and planned to attend Ricks together. Sadly, that dream was ripped away when some stupid rejection letter landed in her mailbox, so she moved to Washington instead, got married, started a family and moved all over the world. I was heartbroken and lost at Ricks without her my freshman year. She's been a great friend that I don't see near enough, but one that I can easily pick up where we left off when we reunite. I wish I could visit her in Kentucky during racing season! I believe her daughter, Ella, is close to Talea's age, but I'm not quite sure since she keeps dropping off the face of the earth and resurfacing years later with another child. I just recently found her again!

Nancy and I at our senior all-nighter

Nancy's family now

Kylene and I were glued at the hip after we met. She's the kind of friend that you feel bonded to instantly. I was 5 months pregnant (I believe) with my first and she was only one month behind with her first. We found out we were naming our daughters the same name, so I changed my choice (for various reasons, not just because she had the same name picked out). We spent tons of time together bonding over our pregnant woes. I blew up like a balloon with toxemia and was induced 2 weeks early, and she got some freaky rare itchy thing and was induced 3 weeks early. Her daughter, Kya, is only 4 weeks younger than Talea, and her daughter Kamia is only 4 months older than Hyatt. She was quicker on the have another kid thing, so her third, Boston, is 10 months older than my third, Kiersa. Unfortunately, we moved away when Talea was only 3 months old and Kylene lives on the east coast now, so our kids have only seen each other a couple of times in their 4 years of life. The crazy thing is, just after I found out Kylene was pregnant with her 4th, I found out I was pregnant with my 4th. They'll be 4 months apart.

Kylene and I at my baby shower for Talea.

Kya, Tilly

Tilly, Kya

Kylene's family now

Amanda and Sarah (I group them together because I have a hard time remembering which memory is with which girl) are friends that were only in my life for 1 year, and I was 10 years old. We were in the same grade and in church together, and I spent all my spare time with them. Even though that was almost 22 years ago, they left a huge impression on me. I've thought about the two of them several times a week if not daily since then. I've wondered where they were, and what happened with their lives. Sarah, coincidentally, ended up in my ward the last half of my freshman year at Ricks! I even saw Amanda once there. Regretfully, I let my phone phobia get the best of me and they disappeared out of my life after that. Recently though, they both found me and I'm thrilled to peek into their fun lives by reading their blogs. They carved themselves into my memory more permanently than any other friends I've had previously or since, yet were a part of my life the briefest.

Amanda and I then

Amanda on the left, Sarah on the right. They sent this picture to me years ago.

Amanda's family now.

Sarah's daughter, Liv

Sarah now

Kathy and Mahana were two of my roommates my freshman year, and they were so awesome. They took me to Luaus, included me in lots of their fun times, and were just so fun to be around. I never got mad at them because they never once gave me a reason to. Mahana's sister, Margaret, came and lived with us too, and she was just as much fun. I LOVED having them as roommates, and when we parted at the end of the school year, I missed them badly. I recently found them both, and I can't tell you how excited I was! They're both as beautiful as ever. Margaret is in Germany now. I wish I could see them all again.

Mahana and Kathy are on the left, and I'm on the right. These were all my roommates my freshman year, aside from Margaret.

Mahana, me and Kathy

Kathy's family now

Mahana's family now

Margaret's family now, minus her hubby

1 comment:

Our Pratt Pack said...

I feel privileged to make your post, Todd and I were just talking about the good old days with the sleepovers and what not. So weird that we spent everyday together and then poof nothing. Hopefully we can inch our way back to the West coast.