Monday, July 28, 2008

The sound of music

The other day I heard "It's a small world after all" playing loudly in the distance. This is the second time I've heard it. The first time I heard it, I figured it had to be an ice cream truck, because who else would blast that tune. I never saw the truck though, so I didn't know what it was. The second time, I told Hyrum to listen, but he didn't hear it. Later, Weston heard it and took off in a sprint outside. It was really loud by then, so we went outside, and sure enough, there was an ice cream "van" driving by. Weston flagged him down, with Talea right on his heels. She's never seen an ice cream truck before, but we told her where Weston was heading and that's all it took for her to take off in a sprint. Hyrum was a close third with Hyatt in tow, so I grabbed the camera and raced after everyone taking pictures of their first experience with an ice cream truck. The man driving was Mexican, and didn't really speak English very well, but the little boy with him (probably 6 years old) was fluent in English and figured everything out. It was strange that it was just a van, but the treats were very tasty! I contemplated the mango and chilies bar, but in the end, Hyrum and I got a coconut bar, Tilly got a Strawberry tube thing, and Hyatt got egg nog tube.

Oh, if you're wondering why my kids are always in long sleeves or jackets in our pictures even though it's July, it's because it's kind of chilly here this summer! This is the coldest summer I've ever felt here, but I'm grateful because we're living on the top story with no A/C, so cooler temps are just fine with me! We don't go swimming at the city pool though. Too chilly for the little ones, and I don't dare take 3 non-swimmers to a pool packed with people all by myself when the littlest one is still basically an infant. I'm afraid someone will disappear or have a near-drowning experience.


Marcee said...

I love the ice cream man! He never comes up our street though. So my boys have never had this experience. How fun for you guys!

The Lanyons said...

How funny, it's just a normal van! Out here they're weirdo vehicles that you can't buy anywhere else - all bubbly and odd looking. We make it a rule to only buy pre-packaged stuff (not soft serve that might have been manhandled). Plus when I was prego I read that you shouldn't eat soft serve from vendors because it may contain raw egg! Have you ever heard that?! Freaky.

Teresa Jolley said...

I love the pink wallet in your hand Hyrum. It fits you so well.