Thursday, July 17, 2008

Down in the dumps

We've been going to the dump a lot with loads of construction debris, and of course since we do EVERYTHING as a family, Hyrum takes us with him for the ride and company.

I had to write a post about it because every time we go, Talea wants to get out and see the trash piles, but I never let her out because it's so incredibly stinky and disgusting with wet messes all over the ground.

This last time we went, I finally gave in and let her out because it was dry and actually not nearly as stinky as usual. She held her nose anyway, though she didn't need to this time.

Hyatt and Kiersa were asleep, so only Talea was blessed with the foul experience. I think most of all, Tilly wanted to chase the seagulls (nasty little scavengers anyway). Nice double chin, Til.


The Lanyons said...

Ahhh the dump! We go so much to ours (more of recycling center) that sometimes when we get in the car Tabby asks if we're going to the dump!

The Not-a-hoes said...

i only went there once but just in reading this i cant get the smell out of my nose now! ugh such a horrible place to go!!!