Monday, July 14, 2008

Talk of the town

Since we started full-swing on our remodel, we've been the talk of the town. You have to understand that we live in a tiny little town of 2,500 people, and when anything changes, it's a big deal. Our house has been here since 1901 with little change, aside from it being converted into 3 apartments and then converted back into a house. Now, with piles of dirt in the yards, plants missing, machinery and people milling about, we've got the town talking. Our neighbors run the local drug store, and they tell us that people are constantly asking them what's going on at our house, and they thought we should put up a picture of what our house will look like. We can't be outside without people asking us about the house, and everyone knows our house when we tell them which one is ours. We think it's hilarious that just by digging the dirt out from under our house to make a decent crawlspace, and by lowering the yard so the water drains away from the house, we've created the biggest stir this town has had since Fair.

You can see I'm working on a rock retaining wall. It's still in the early stages, but I'm hoping it will look pretty cool when it's finished. Most of the yard will be lawn, except for a berry patch at the top of the retaining wall, with blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. It's far from finished, so be gentle when you judge it.

I'm recycling materials and plants as much as possible to save on costs...I mean, to be environmentally friendly! I made the wall out of broken-up concrete from our old sidewalk.

Our lawn is lowered in front and the digging under the house is finished, aside from the piers.

I've had items on my sidewalk for 3 days now, for sale, with signs indicating the amount they cost, and to put the money in the mailbox. No one has stolen anything! I love this town!

Our humble abode (the top floor).


The Not-a-hoes said...

wow this is going to look amazing when your finished! and you cut down the myrtle tree in front? or was it just not in the picture? i love the wall it looks a ton better right now than it did when we left!

The Lanyons said...

I can't believe you made that wall out of old concrete - it looks great. It'll be so nice when it's all done and you can relax. Hopefully before you have the baby!