Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's official

Have you missed me? I've been away and so much has happened! I told Hyrum he'll have to take the kids on a day-long date so I can catch up on blogging, but since it's mid-week, that won't be possible, so I'll have to plug away slowly trying to catch up.

What I'll start with is the news that I went to the obstetrician last Thursday, and have FINALLY been given a due date! Have you ever had to suffer the suspense of knowing from almost the moment of conception that you're pregnant, but have no idea when you'll be due or how far along you are because you don't have regular cycles to educate your guesses? Since Father's Day when I took a test and it came out positive, I've been in suspense. My official due date, according to the measurements of my little peanut via utlrasound, is Feb. 23. Hallelujah! Kiersa will have just turned one by the time the baby is born (hopefully). Kiersa was born on Valentine's Day, so at least they won't be 11 months apart, which is what my last period said it would be. See? I'm not regular enough to rely on that.

The crazy thing is, if my due date is Feb. 23, then according to the conception date calendar, I knew I was pregnant pretty much almost the moment after I conceived. I felt symptoms, so I took a test and it was negative. Little did I know I'd be taking a test again in 2 weeks only to find it positive. I've gotten better and better with each baby at being able to recognize my pregnancy symptoms earlier. I went to the doctor to take a blood test when I was apparently only 4 weeks along (which, wierdly enough, is only 2 weeks after conception...no heartbeat yet since that's 18 days after conception), which is why my hormone levels were so low and they were curious as to whether I was truly pregnant, and made me take a second blood test 2 days later. The doctor was pretty amazed that my pee test was positive so early. They're pretty accurate these days.

The best news of all though, is that it's not twins!!!!!! I admit I was nervous for a minute!

I thought I'd document what I looked like full-term pregnant with each of my kids. In all of the following pictures, I was within 2 weeks of delivery.

Prego with Talea

Prego with Hyatt

Prego with Kiersa


Marcee said...

You look good when you are prego. That's great! I'm glad to hear you're due AFTER Kiersa is one. That's awesome! Congrats again...

The Not-a-hoes said...

so you and hyrum get the award for the most amazing pics taken by someone who doesnt get paid! seriously you could be like a prego model and hyrum could be the photographer and you could sell your pics!

The Lanyons said...

Annoying that you look so good in your pregnancies. I look like Violet Beauregarde after she eats the prototype gum and turns into a blueberry!

Our Pratt Pack said...

My 1st OB appt. they weren't going to do an ultrasound because I saw a midwife and I was like no you go find a Dr. and give me an ultrasound I have 3 kids under 4 and if this is twins I'm going to kill myself.

John-Maren Goodman said...

yay!! I was just thinking our babies, starting with Kiersa, will all be about 7mths apart! I like that, because my baby has close cousins, both old and young!! I'm really excited another one is being added to your Johnson clan! Your both amazing parents and have the greats kids!!!

The George's said...

yeah, you have a date. That is so exciting.

Smart said...

Yeah! You ARE preggers!!
