Monday, July 28, 2008

Redneck Fair

The carousel is always the biggest hit with my kids. "I wanna ride a horse!" was all Hyatt could say until we put him on. Then he put his arm up and said "Yee Haw!" Tilly has competition in the cowboying world now.

Next we went to see the real animals. 4H will most definitely be in my kids' future, and I think cows will be one thing they get into. Maybe even pigs. Talea thought it was great fun to straighten the pig's curly tail. All I know is alligator wrestling is out of the question.

Weston had a day pass to the rides, so we sent him on the rides with the kids instead of wasting tickets on us. Hyatt isn't even tall enough for the shortest height allowed, but with his cowboy boots on and his dad pulling his head up to level out with the line, he was allowed on the rides (good thing they were looking at the line and not his heels way off the ground). Talea got to go on the rides herself, but only the 40" rides. Obviously Kiersa just got to hang out in the stroller and watch the kids go by on their rides.

Tilly took this picture. No fair guessing what I'm doing there.

The second day we went, there was a little tent with pregnant animals and brand new babies. They had everything from baby rats to piglets, fresh-from-the-shell ducklings to puppies, calves to miniature horse foals. It was my favorite part.

It's tradition for us to take the kids to the euro bungy every year. It's the highlight of the fair for Talea. We started Talea when she was 2, but then the next year Hyatt started up and he was only 1. They do it every year and love it. For some reason I can only find a picture of Tilly doing it when she was 2, so maybe we didn't take pictures last year. I don't know. Tilly even learned how to do a back flip this year, right after I stopped filming her video.

Hyatt stood on the scale and then didn't want to get off. Even though he's such a cautious boy, he still loved the bungy. I wish I had pictures of him last year!

I don't want to leave Kiersa out. She of course is too small for the bungy, but she watched some before falling asleep.

Here is a video of Talea doing the euro bungy (by the way, I know bungy is spelled "bungee", but this thing is euro "bungy"). I'm retarded and am still learning how to use my new tiny digital camera Hyrum bought me for my birthday. It has a video option on it, but I guess you can't take the video sideways, so you have to turn your head to watch Talea. Hyatt's video won't download.

We went to the rodeo on Saturday night, and somehow lost track of Talea. We all thought someone else had her, so when we sat down in the stands, I looked around to tell her something and couldn't find her. I felt panicked and we all (Hy, Weston and I) scanned the crowd to find her. Luckily, she was right where we'd seen her last. The good little girl had remembered what I taught her at Sea World about staying put if she gets lost. It was so easy to find her because of that, so we praised her a lot, but it was pretty traumatic for us all.

It's no secret how Hyrum and I feel about cigarettes. Especially me. After 2 days of fair, we felt pretty poisoned by all the second-hand smoke, and Hyrum mentioned that he wished he could let out some really stinky gas in all their faces so they could suffer from someone else's stink like we have to all the time with smokers. Then after talking about it, we thought it would be a great invention to have a little hand held, smokey stink bomb to wave in their faces, and to throw in some asbestos fibers to expose them to mesothelioma cancer, since their stink is exposing us to cancer. I seriously don't understand smokers and their selfishness of blowing a cancerous stink in public places, especially when children are around. I mean, COME ON! As Brian Regan would say, "Oh, this is YOUR world!!!"


Marcee said...

WOW!! It looks like you guys had a blast at the fair... that "bungy" thing looks so fun. My kids would love that.

I know what you mean about that feeling of panic. We haven't lost or been seperated from any of our kiddos but one morning I went to wake Zackary up for school and I didn't see him in his bed or anywhere in his room. I looked all over the house. I was screaming his name. I looked outside and in the garage. I noticed that I hadn't closed the garage door all the way (we have to keep it slightly open to do laundry, about 12") and I began to really panic. I screamed for Tim that someone had come into our house and taken Zackary. Just as I did that, Zack came around the corner with a big grin. He thought he would be funny and hide. NOT FUNNY!!! He won't do that again.

The Lanyons said...

I did the same thing with my camera when I first got it, and more than once, I'm ashamed to admit. It's so hard to remember to not turn it for filming!!

The George's said...

It looks like you guys had a great time at the fair. We love the fair too.