Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Library day

Wednesday is the story time day at the library, and since we usually go to Winston on that day to pick up counter tops, we miss it 99% of the time. We went today though, so I snapped a few pictures of the kids playing instruments and making a caterpillar craft. Talea's gotten really serious about her coloring lately, so she took a long time to do just a few segments of her caterpillar and we had to leave before she got a chance to finish decorating it, which she wasn't very thrilled about.


The Not-a-hoes said...

i had my library card for about a week before my purse was stolen so i never got to use it! another reason why oregon was so horrible for me haha. i never locked my car in utah a much more crowded, busy place. the one and only time unlocked in oregon and my purse got stolen! buncha crap!! we never discovered if it was walmart parking lot or the vets?

The Lanyons said...

Good ol' Quaker Oats boxes - so handy!

Our Pratt Pack said...

OH I've been losing it. I've been spanking like crazy but they don't care so we've moved on to blanky confiscation and they freak out.

The George's said...

We love story time when we go. Plus in the summer, they always have cool crafts. Hope you get to go more.

Teresa Jolley said...

I wish I had the patience to take all my kids to the library. It would end in pandamoniun. Anyway, Maren wasn't actually as big as her picture made her look. She was already hooked up to the monitors under her gown. She was actually pretty small with this one.