Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tilly's antics

Talea baffles me. Sometimes she has such a great memory, and will remember things I wouldn't expect to remember myself, and then other times, she can't remember the simplest thing that she's been told a million times.

For instance, we went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant last week, and while there we told her which animal everyone in our family was according to the Chinese zodiac placemat. Today, without us bringing it up, she suddenly recited to us what each person's animals was: Talea's a monkey, Hyatt's a dog, Kiersa's a rat, I'm a dragon, Hyrum's a snake, and the new baby will be an ox. The crazy thing is, she was only told once, and I've read that placemat several dozen times (can you tell we love that restaurant?), and I couldn't remember what everyone was. I looked it up online, and sure enough, Talea was dead right on everyone!!! I mean, who remembers that? For 6 people! And at 4 years old! Speaking of 4 years old, this is what baffles me. I've told Talea a million times that she's 4 years old. The other day a policeman stopped by to talk to Talea because she was way up on a ladder doing dangerous-looking stunts to any bypasser, while I was way up in our cherry tree picking cherries. He doesn't realize that Talea is an expert tree climber, balancer, and stunt woman. He asked her how old she was, and she told him "6". I just asked her right now how old she is, and she still can't remember. She answered "6" again! How does she not remember that she's 4 when we've gone over it time and again, yet she remembers our zodiac animals? Maybe she just remembers things to do with animals, and maybe I'll have to associate her age with an animal. Any ideas?

Tonight in her prayers, Talea asked Heavenly Father to "help Mommy to grow up and be better." Hmmm. Wonder what she's trying to tell me! If she's not asking me to not be fat, she's asking for me to grow up and be better. She also told me (after watching a video of me that was taken a few years ago) that she wished she still had a pretty mommy. I asked her what would make me pretty, and she said if I still had bangs and pretty hair. (She's a fan of long hair.) Well, maybe someday I'll grow up, become pretty, and get skinny again. Kids are so funny.

Speaking of Tilly, here are a few funny things she said to me the other day.
When Kiersa was crying: "Feed her! FEED HER! DO SOMETHING!"

When she sat on our air mattress while camping, she bounced off and slammed down hard on the ground, so after a bunch of exclamations of "OW!", she said "That was the worstest bum bum hit I ever sat on!!"

I am a huge seat belt advocate and you will never see me or my kids unbuckled if I can help it. Hyrum put Kiersa in her car seat and forgot to buckle it before we left, then we drove 3 hours down to Medford, and when we got to a store, I went to get Kiersa out of her seat, and to my horror, I saw that she was unbuckled. I always tell Talea that if she isn't buckled, she might fly out of the car and get killed if we get in an accident, so when she heard my shock over the fact that she hadn't been buckled the whole trip, she anxiously looked at Kiersa and asked, "Is she dead?"

Talea had some cute sticker jewels the other day, and while we were driving she decided to beautify Kiersa, so when we got home and went to get the kids out of the car, we found Kiersa very "bejewled" with gems.

Talea has her first love interest. He's Dallas and Weston's 17-year-old friend, Daniel. She says, "I'm going to marry Daniel in black, and he's going to marry me in white" (meaning that she'll be in white and he'll be in black). Daniel is working with Weston on our house remodel, so she gets lots of time to see him and play with him, and has quite the crush. Here's a picture of him.

We bought the dogs a cat cube the other day, thinking they'd like it since it's kind of like a kennel. They keep laying on our pillows or other things instead of their own bed, so we thought they'd like this. Well, they didn't even get a chance to try it out before Talea, and it was already all dirty before the tags were even off. Amazingly enough, she could fit her whole body in it!

Talea got a bunch of barbies at a garage sale the other day, and she insited on sleeping with all of them (except Ken, which I gave to Hyatt so he'd at least be playing with a boy rather than a girl). I remember the days...


Teresa Jolley said...

She is adorable as well. She would be so much fun to be around. She would keep me laughing all the time. I miss my little tilly. Does she even remember her Aunt Teresa?

The Not-a-hoes said...

does she remember her aunt meghan?!