Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You decide...

I think Hyatt looks just like his Daddy, except for the nose. What do you think?

This picture is old so the colors are dark, but Hyrum's eyes are blue, not brown.
I think Tilly looks just like her Daddy too, with a teeny bit of her Mommy mixed in. Hyrum thinks the opposite. What do you think?



If you think that Tilly looks more like Hyrum, then you're a smart feller. She looks way more like Hyrum than like me! She's almost identical to him in the above picture! It tooks 5 pictures to get the picture that looks like Hyrum, with 4 of those pictures being good candidates. It took 60 pictures of Tilly to look like my picture, and only 4 were semi-decent candidates, and none identical. She's definitely her Daddy's twin. What do you think?

Same jawline, eyebrows and eyes.

Same mouth and nose.
Not only does Tilly look like Hyrum, she likes and dislikes the same food as him, and has the same personality as him (outgoing, loves friends and socializing, and talks a lot)

Hyrum and I both agree that Hyatt is Hyrum's mini-me. We can't agree on who Talea looks like, and we both think Kiersa is starting out looking like Hyrum.

So who does Kiersa look like?


Hyrum Kiersa
Click on the comments and give me your opinion!!!! Tell me who you think my kids look like!


The George's said...

You put a lot of time into your cute pictures. I found a fun like-alike meter back in January. http://www.myheritage.com/meter Maybe you can have fun with it. Put the two pictures of you both and then the one of the child and see what it thinks.

SarahCeleste said...

TIANA CLUFF??? I guess that has changed now. I found you on Amandas site. Your family is so beautiful. Would love to catch up.
Sarah Leavitt

Angi and Jared Cowley said...

Tilly is Hyrum's, and Hyatt is Hyrum's, maybe Kiersa will be like you...