Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hi, my name is Chubby...I mean, Kiersa!

I don't know if you've ever seen me tell the "Chubby" story while squooshing my face. It's pretty funny I guess because Hyrum makes me show everyone. Well, here' my little "Chubby" girl, Kiersa. She started out at 7 1/2 pounds, and at 6 weeks is 13 1/2 pounds! A pound a week is a huge weight gain for an infant!!! Well, here's the Chubby story:

Hi, my name is Chubby. My Momma's chubby, my Daddy's chubby, and I'm chubby. One day, my Momma said, "Chuuuu-bby!! Can you smile with all that chub?" And I said, "Sure, Momma. See?"

Here's a picture of Kiersa on her birthday.
6 weeks later...she's a chunk!

It's amazing how fast she's growing! Talea didn't even get out of preemie clothes and into 0-3 months until 3 months old. Hyatt was easy to buy clothes for. As a newborn, he was in 0-3 months clothes. At 3 months, he was in 3-6 month clothes. Kiersa started in 0-3 month clothes, but at 1 1/2 months, she's starting to burst out of them. This is so new to me!!! I've never had a chubby baby, and it's so fun to feel how squishy she is!!

Roll, after roll, after roll! It never ends!

Again, here's how she started out.
And this is only 6 weeks later! She's sure to have scars from her fat, just like her mother.

Ahhhh....so peaceful. She really is a good baby.

Check out these cheeks!

There's nothing like baby cleavage up to your neck!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Tiana, she looks like you at that age. Congrats!!