Friday, April 25, 2008

Kids say the darnedest things!

Here's a couple of things Talea said that I thought were so funny. I love the things that go through kids' heads!

I'm turning into a boy, Mommy! I have hair all over the place!!"-Talea, while examining the amount of hair she has on her legs. 4/14/08

"I almost cut my eyebrows off, but I didn't." -Talea, while cutting with scissors doing craft projects. 4/23/08

No, that's not a black eye.

Hyrum was teasing her and pretending to give her eye a hickey, and then it really happened!! Click on the picture to see it better.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Poor girl - you laugh about it now but what if you'd sucked her eyeball out?!!!