Friday, April 25, 2008

Clarifying my hospital bill

Okay, I guess I need to clarify my earlier post "A baby costs what?" My first two babies were completely covered except for a couple hundred dollars, so having my third be so expensive was pretty crazy to me! And remember, this was a totally normal, run of the mill birth. No freaky emergencies or anything!

Here's my bill breakdown:
Kiersa's hospital bill: $3,717.85
Tiana's hospital bill: $7,582.25
Tiana's prenatal bill from OB/GYN: $3,538.56
Pediatricians in hospital: $142.00 ($71 per pediatrician)

Grand total: $14,980.66
The labor and delivery room cost me $2,988 (that's $996 per night...umm, I'd rather stay in a luxury hotel suite, thanks!).

After insurance paid their part, my bill was reduced to:
Kiersa's hospital bill: $1,768.37
Tiana's hospital bill: $2,442.64
OB/GYN: $250.00

Final total: $4,461.01 (That's if insurance completely covers the $142 from the pediatricians, which I doubt.)

At least you get something really cool out of it. Think of how devastating it would be to have your baby be stillborn or die shortly after birth, and then have all these bills and no sweet baby at home with you to make it all worth it. I know people that's happened to, such as my parents with their firstborn.

Hyrum and Hyatt were really sick when Kiersa was born, and Tilly was just being sympathetic.

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Guess how much I paid for my birth (including the birth, my emergency surgery, a couple of days in the ICU, 24 hour nurse care for both Tabby an me, all the medicine, food, bottles, IVs - everything!)
$0 - not one red cent. Good ol' NHS. (but you should see our taxes!)