Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's a small world

When I was pregnant with Talea back in 2004, I was living in the Medford area. Hyrum and I attended a lamaze class, and in the class was a super skinny girl. I could barely tell she was pregant! She was due in June, and in mid April during our class, she was in a size 0 jeans and had the tiniest baby bump. We were all shocked that she was in lamaze already because she looked about 3 months pregnant. This girl attended the class with her husband's grandma because her husband was working the swing or graveyard shift, I can't remember which. He was in school to be a fireman. Her husband made it to 2 of the classes and he always wore a jacket that said "Jacksonville Fire Dept." This girl's name was Amy and her husband's name was Kyle.

Well, lamaze class ended, and we had our baby. We moved to Coquille when Talea was only 3 months old, and one day,when Hyrum was at a jobsite, he saw a guy with a Jacksonville Fire Dept jacket on. He recognized the guy, and he was Kyle! Weird that Kyle was working in Coos Bay building houses. It turns out that Kyle and Amy moved to Coquille also, about the same time we did. (Amy is from Coquille we later found out.) We saw Kyle and Amy and their daughter, Milana, every now and then over the next couple of years, and it was fun to see Milana and Talea out of the womb side-by-side now, since they're only a few weeks apart in age.

Hyrum saw Kyle a lot out at job sites, so he would occassionally joke with Kyle that he should come install cabinets, but when Hyrum bought the kitchen business, he officially offered Kyle a job as a foreman of sorts over the installers. Kyle took the job, so now he works with Hyrum everyday. Amy and I have seen each other a couple of times since Kyle's job change, and the other day she invited me to go to Outdoor In with her and Milana and her two foster boys. (Outdoor In is like a cheap, generic version of Chuck E Cheese, and apparently it's the place to let your kids' energy out when it's raining outside.) So we went, and the kids had a blast. From going there, I now think Talea would love a gun for her 4th birthday. Of all the things she could have done there, she spent 3/4 of her time playing a hunting video game. Well, she thought she played it. I'm a cheap mom and didn't want to pump the machine full of quarters, so I played it up like the sample game was actually her playing, and she fell for it, so she spent the next hour or so hunting deer and moose and getting all excited about it. She absolutely loved it and wants to go hunting with Hyrum now, so I think Hyrum finally found a hunting buddy since I haven't been able to go with him ever since I was pregnant with Talea.

I never would have guessed 4 years ago that Hyrum would own a kitchen business and would be employing the husband of the girl in my lamaze class after all of us coincidentally moved to the same town. Funny, isn't it?