Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sick and afflicted

Well, Kiersa went to the doctor today for her 2 month check and shots, and she's now 14 lbs 3 oz. I thought she was heavier, but I guess I've been weighing her at home in jammies and a diaper, and she's in the buff when the doctor weighs her. Hey, maybe my scale is off, and I don't really weigh as much as I think I do!!! Wouldn't THAT be wonderful!? That puts her way over the 100th percentile in weight. I've never had a baby over the 25% before! Her height is 23" which puts her at 90%, and I've never had my babies over 50% in height! I guess I should be used to the fact that she's chubby like lots of babies, but this is my third baby, and with the first two being so small, it shocks me everyday to feel how squishy she is and to see the fat rolls getting bigger right before my eyes.
On the health front, Kiersa has had a clogged tear duct problem for the last couple of weeks. Remember the picture I showed of her red-rimmed eyes a few posts ago? Well, the problem keeps flaring up, so the doctor gave me some tips on how to massage it to try to clear it for drainage, but if it persists or gets worse, she'll have to have prescription drops. I feel like I'm constantly filling prescriptions! I currently have a diaper rash prescription for Kiersa, individual fluoride prescriptions for both Hyatt and Talea since Myrtle Point doesn't fluoridate their water, I just ended a prescription for Hyatt's giardia, and I may have to get a prescription for Kiersa's eyes. Hopefully not.

While we were there, we asked the doctor about Hyatt's giardia and when we should be seeing signs of improvement. She thought we should have been seeing signs already, so in order to check if the medicine worked, we have to collect another dang poo sample! (Remember, it can't be contaminated by pee, so it's a pain to collect from a diaper.) So, we'll find out soon if he's over it or not.

Not to be left out, Talea has joined the ranks of the sick and afflicted in my household. A day or so before we left for Chicago, her cheeks started getting red, which isn't too uncommon for her, but they became a blotchy red rash, and it spread from being on her cheekbones to being her entire cheeks. When we dropped her off with Shira and my mom, I told them she had the rash, which by then was on her back too, but it didn't seem to bother her and I didn't think it was anything she'd spread. When we got back 3 days later, it had spread to her entire body. She didn't itch, and it didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. When she'd wake up from a nap, it would be much worse.

It's funny because Talea used to complain of itching all the time, to the point where she'd get super frustrated and ask when her itching would go away. I'd catch her scratching all over her body periodically. She never had a rash, she just itched. I completely changed all of my laundry products to see if that would help. I used to use Tide laundry detergent, vinegar for the fabric softener (I thought I'd use that since Sara Snow recommended it on her show, and to go "green" and healthy), and bounce dryer sheets. I now use Method detergent, method softener, and bounce dryer sheets that are free of perfumes and stuff. Since switching it all up, she hasn't complained of itching once. Then a few weeks later she gets this funky rash! Well, the doctor never saw it because it was super faded today, but she said it sounds exactly like Fifth disease, otherwise named slapped cheek syndrome, since it looks like the cheeks were slapped. I looked it up online and that's what I think it was. It's only contagious before the rash, which is scary because you have no idea it's even there. It's a virus and it can spread like wild fire through schools. It only poses a concern for pregnant women, so Tilly will be fine and it will go away on it's own, kind of how a flu does. How in the world are my kids catching things like giardia and Fifth disease!!! This is so annoying! In case you want to educate yourself on fifths disease, here's a couple of sites.

Here's Tilly practicing poses. If she sees me pointing the camera in her direction, she automatically strikes a pose. It reminds me so much of Shira at that age.

1 comment:

Our Pratt Pack said...

Yes life with 3 kids if it's not one thing it's something else I feel for you that sucks. Get Well Soon Everybody!!