Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Elisabeth is brilliant!

While we were in Utah on Sunday, Hyrum's sister, Elisabeth, gave me some birthday presents for all three of my kids. When we got home, we gave the kids their presents and souvenirs. Their souvenirs were Dora and Diego dolls, balls, and Color Wonder coloring kits. They loved them all, but none of them compared to the clothes that Elisabeth gave the kids for their presents. They went wild over them! I had no idea that kids could like clothes that much. They're never that excited when they get new clothes from me, but I tell you, Hyatt squealed like he'd been given a mountain of candy when he saw his new clothes from Aunt Elisabeth. Both Tilly and Hyatt carried their clothes around the rest of the evening, and in the morning, they insisted on dressing in them even though the weather was cold and rainy and the clothes were summer clothes. I gave in and let them wear them, and they were happy as clams!

That night, when it was time to put jammies on, Hyatt had a conniption when I took his shirt off and put his jammies on (he had taken his shorts off earlier when he peed on the toilet). I had to shut him in his room because he wouldn't calm down. When he finally managed to get his door open, he came out bawling still and he was undressed and holding his shirt from Aunt Elisabeth. I figured it wouldn't hurt to let him wear his shirt with his jammies, so I put his shirt on under the jammies, and he was totally fine and said "thanks", then went off to play. I couldn't believe he liked the shirt so much! Then, this morning when Talea was getting dressed, she was concerned because she couldn't find her clothes from Aunt Elisabeth. I told her they were in the laundry, so she grudgingly got dressed in other clothes. I tell you what, Elisabeth, your gifts were a total hit!!!!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

This is a very bad omen, indeed. Just think of the clothes bills when they're teenagers!