Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I'm cured!!! Well, almost.

For 3 miserable days, I've been suffering with what felt like a severely sprained ankle. I assumed it started from a tiny jog on Friday morning, but I never felt an actual moment of injury. My ankle did a few pops when it was feeling stiffer later that same day, but it wasn't until I was sitting down on Friday evening that the real pain hit. I went from walking with slight discomfort, to walking in agony in a matter of minutes. For the following 3 days, I was in such misery that I started to dream of chopping off my foot and getting a prosthetic so I could at least walk normally again. By Monday night, I was almost in tears with frustration that I wasn't getting any better. If anything, I was getting worse! At night, my foot would twitch while I was asleep and I would awaken with a gasp of pain. That would happen all night long! Hyrum was contemplating taking me to a doctor because he thought I had ripped something and needed surgery, but we don't even have a family practice doctor out here. Plus, we still have $4,000 to pay for Kiersa's birth! I began to wonder if my ob/gyn or pediatrician could help me. Yeah right!

Monday night, after hobbling all day, I sat on the bed in frustration and pain and told Hyrum I should probably go on bed rest for a few days to see if I could give it a chance to heal. I couldn't think of anyone who would be available to come stay out here to help me, and besides, where would they sleep??? Hyrum and I sleep in the living room, the kids are all in the only bedroom, so the kitchen floor is the only other open spot in our dinky 400 sq ft. apartment. I sat on the bed folding laundry and feeding Kiersa, contemplating my future with a walking cane, until I had to get up and get Talea out of the bath. She had washed herself, even shampooing and conditioning her own hair, so I wanted to double-check her work, and when I stood up, I noticed I was able to stand on my entire foot with hardly any pain at all! I took a few steps and noticed that I was almost back to normal! I was ecstatic! I couldn't stop rejoicing! You have no idea how much you take walking and standing without pain for granted until it's taken away from you. This morning I'm even able to bend my foot to a 90 degree angle again! Hallelujah! I still have a huge mystery bump on my ankle, but I'm celebrating my independence! I can walk!!!!!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Seriously, you have some slack ankles! What happened to your pioneer genes? You got the weak ankle gene like that dorky bird watcher in "The Gift of Love"!