Thursday, April 17, 2008

Coming out of the closet

I've always said Hyrum has more clothes than me and takes up more space in the closet, and now I have proof! This is our closet while in the apartment. It's mayyybe 6 feet wide, and the white hangers are my clothes; the black and colored hangers are Hyrum's. I have to shove Hyrum's clothes over just to be able to have enough space to pull something off a hanger. Somehow he always manages to creep over to my side.
Now, it is true that I may have more clothes overall since in storage I have a rubbermaid container of maternity clothes and one of skinny clothes, but at any one time I always have fewer clothes in the closet than Hyrum. Right now, my side of the closet contains my bigger, post-maternity clothes. We don't have a chest of drawers, so I hang everything except for pants. This is the extent of my clothes. Sad, but true. I usually spend clothes money on my kids or Hyrum. I just get frustrated trying on clothes, and I hate to buy more stuff when I know that if I just lose more baby weight, I've got clothes in storage. When I'm in my skinny clothes, I don't buy more of those because I figure I'll get pregnant and be into bigger clothes. Who knows if I even have the discipline it will require to once again fit my skinny clothes. They're probably all out of style by now since I haven't worn them in so long.

So, whoever said that women need the bigger side of the closet obviously hasn't been to my house!

1 comment:

The Lanyons said...

Well, at least you can rest assured in the knowledge that you are nothing like mom when it comes to clothes.