Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time flies...when you're pregnant

You know what's crazy? I'll be leaving for England in 6 days (Friday), and when I return, I'll be getting the comprehensive ultrasound where you can tell the sex of the baby and if everything is going well, which means I'll be half-way done with this pregnancy! I already have the date set for the ultrasound! It feels like it was just a few days ago that I found out I was pregnant! Where does time go?! I'm still stunned that I'm over 14 weeks along already. The crazy thing is, I'm getting so huge, so fast! I haven't gained any weight since my first appointment, but my stomach has gotten so much bigger! I don't understand how some people don't start showing until they're about 5 months along, because at 3 1/2 months, I look well beyond 5 months...even ask Angi! I can't suck it in, and it's very obvious. I would swear I had twins inside if my doctor hadn't assured me there's only one. I know I started with a pretty good pooch since I didn't get a chance to loose all my Kiersa weight before I got pregnant again, but this is ridiculous! I can feel my uterus now when I push on my stomach and when I lay on my stomach, it feels like a hard lump under me. I hope this isn't a 10 pound baby!


Teresa Jolley said...

Oh my gosh, time really does fly. For your pregnancy anyway, I hate the beginning part of pregnancy because you almost have to remind yourself that you are pregnant because there is no belly or anything. Oh well, it's part of the package. Any intuitions on what it might be??

Smart said...

Have fun in England!
Hey what happened to Scott and Mel's blog?

Margaret said...

I am 10 weeks along and saw the baby's heart beat the other day. Amazing!I feel the same way. I look like I am well beyond 5 months. But your right it doesn't help when ya haven't lost what was there before.
I seriously was convinced that I was gonna have twins and when the ultra sound showed I wasn't I am in still denial.I guess I am just needing a reason for my enormous pouch. Although, I do have BiG babies. Almost 9 pounders.