Saturday, August 30, 2008

Laughing at the dentist??

Last Monday, Hyrum and Talea had follow-up appointments at the dentist so Hyrum took Talea, and Hyatt tagged along just for fun. Our dentist is married to a pediatric dentist (she only works once a week so we opted for the husband as our dentist for the kids), so he's really good with the kids. There are stuffed animals all over and on the walls there's grass and butterflies and such. There's a TV for the patients to watch during the procedures to keep their mind off of everything. The dentist told Talea that her tooth was thirsty and needed a drink when she was getting a shot to numb her tooth, and he called the drill Mr. Whistle. He was great with our kids, and with Hyrum too. Hyrum took some pictures of Talea in the chair with her bib, watching TV. They gave her nitrous oxide (laughing gas) before it all. She only had a tiny cavity that required a small filling, but I wanted to take care of it before it became something bigger, more expensive and painful.

My kids don't go to bed until about 10 pm, like us, so they sleep in until 8:30 or later every morning, which made it awkward for them to go to a dentist appointment at 8:00 in the morning. Do you like Hyatt's bed-head?

1 comment:

Teresa Jolley said...

The laughing gas always makes it easier. Daylon loves going to the dentist to get cavities filled just for the laughing gas. They look so cute