Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm contagious!

I seem to have a condition that I've recently discovered is contagious. Yikes! The condition is called pregnancy. If you read my blog, touch me, or talk to me, I will highly increase your chances of conception, so beware! I know of 6 people who are now pregnant that became pregnant shortly after my announcement that I AM pregnant. One of the women has fertility problems and has 2 children (the last of which was conceived with the assistance of clomid), but she has been unsuccessful at conceiving again since that child. Clomid stopped working for her. When she came into Hyrum's shop last month sometime (I think) to have her kitchen designed, she found out how many kids I have and that I'm pregnant again, and she came over to me and said "Can I rub against you in hopes of your fertility rubbing off on me? I have 2 children, and I know I have 2 more inside I'm supposed to have, but I can't get pregnant and fertility's not helping!" I agreed as I laughed at it all, and she leaned against my side and rubbed her shoulder to mine. Low and behold, we went to their house yesterday for some final measuring and such before the kitchen is ordered, and she said she was pregnant!! I am now convinced, because of her and the many other girls who are suddenly pregnant and due shortly after me, that I must be contagious! Look out!

This picture is from 11 days before Kiersa's delivery. I'm not quite this big yet with this pregnancy, thank goodness, considering I'm only about 11 weeks (out of 40) along.


John-Maren Goodman said...

seriously, tell me about it! Your pregnant, then we find out that John's gorgeous cousin who has not been able to get pregnant for a few yrs is pregnant, and they just were sealed in the temple two weeks ago. Then Meghan, and now Teresa. And that is just in mine and John's family! The Lord must be sending then all at once for a reason!! Either way I'm really excited for all these babies to be coming~! More babies for Jaiden to be friends with

Margaret said...

You are soooo Cute pregnant! Very well shaped. I like the silhouette photo shot. Good idea!

(Ma-lay-ha) I wanted to name her after Mahana. hubby was not having it. So,that was the closest I could get to it.haha

(Ka-Sigh-ya) tried to get Kathy in this one as much as I could. Husband and I have a hard time agreeing on names. So they seem to end up being quite interesting.

I don't know what we are gonna do with the 3rd. Shhhh. Don't mention anything You are the only one that knows. I'm gonna surprise the Family when I just show up HUGE!
I am due in March.

Dustin will be deployed So may be It will be an ordinary name. haha

It would be so cool to see you in Utah.I will keep in touch and hopefully we will cross paths again.

Margaret said...

How Funny! I just read what you wrote and you are contagious!!It must have been from just reading your Blog!lol

The Lanyons said...

Whoa, when I saw the picture I was stunned thinking you were that big already - and wondering how you'd be comfy on the plane. Good thing you're not, actually.
And I love your use of the word yikes! We need to keep that one in circulation.