Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Silly Tilly, Milly and Hyatt

I already mentioned before how Talea likes to find shapes in her food. Well, this time she found some indecency in her pistachio pudding. "Look! I found a butt!" was her shocked exclamation. I was about to reprimand her crudity, until I looked at it and realized that it looked exactly like that, and with how shockingly realistic it looked, there was no other way to exclaim such a finding. I know it's hard to see it in this picture, but if you click on it and squint, you can maybe see it, but it doesn't do it justice.

Talea made a bed on our floor the other day with blankets and pillows, but Hyatt didn't want to join her in testing it out, so I volunteered Kiersa. The two girls together looked so cute grinning ear to ear at each other. Talea tells me she can't wait for Kiersa to grow up and play with her.

As soon as Hyatt saw all the sister bonding, he didn't lose a second in crawling under the covers with them.

On Sundays, Hyrum makes breakfast food for dinner since he's a master of his special french toast recipe, and though Hyatt was dead tired, he didn't want to miss out on it. His poor little eyes just couldn't stay open while he was chewing, but of course when Hyrum grabbed the camera, he saw it and just got shy and silly and the moment wasn't captured. Oh well.

By the way, if you're not familiar with the Johnson method of cutting kids' food (french toast, waffles, pancakes...well, anything that needs to be cut in bite size pieces), a pizza cutter is the best tool to have in the house. It's fast, efficient, accurate and non-lethal. I'm a convert to this method, and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!


The Lanyons said...

I use a pizza cutter too, sister o' mine! Especially for pita bread which I love cutting into strips and eating with hummous.

Our Pratt Pack said...

WE are also a part of the pizza cutter club, it's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I just love all the pics. That is what I appreciate the most.
Love you guys-Nana

Teresa Jolley said...

I use a pizza cutter too, but I'm not sure where I picked up on the idea because I really don't think my mom did that with us. I may have got the idea from Susan. Anyway, it does work great. What a good hubby to make you his nummy french toast, I thinks it's the same as mine and believe me, it is DELICIOUS!!!!