Monday, August 4, 2008

Stinking training wheels

Talea got a bike for Christmas and we left the training wheels on (that came on it) since the weather wasn't great for bike riding and she could ride it around inside the house with them still on (this was when we were in our big house before the remodel began). Last week we took her to the track to teach her how to ride without the training wheels, and though she was all enthusiasm before we arrived, she wasn't as thrilled after her attempts were made. At first, Tilly and Hyatt ran around the track while Hyrum brought out the bikes,

then Hyatt rode his trike around the whole track (it took him forever!),

Kiersa hung out on a blanket,

and Talea tried her hand at real bike riding. Talea has great balance while walking on walls and things, but not so great on a bike yet.

Hyrum ran along with her at first,

then I attempted it,

then Weston did.

Eventually, she opted to let Hyatt ride it while she rode his trike,
and then begged for the training wheels to be put back on so she could ride around the track.
Hyatt tried his hand at photography (you have to realize my camera is a huge SLR so it's difficult for them to hold, find their intended object through the eye-hole, and then push the button. Talea's gotten really good at it, but Hyatt's just learning.

She was much improved by the time it started to get dark and we headed home,

but she still is a slave to the training wheels. I've taught several siblings how to ride a bike, but they never started with training wheels, and I believe it makes it a lot harder for a child to learn to ride a bike when they've relied on the safety of training wheels. Hyatt has started riding Tilly's bike with the training wheels on, but I think I'll take them off and make the kids go without.


Our Pratt Pack said...

So I use goolge reader to keep track of everyones new posts and I had 2 in a row one was yours and then another friend posting on training wheels coming off. But don't worry that kid has whole year on our girls!

Marcee said...

I think that I have to agree with you on the kids having an easier time learning how to ride a bike without having training wheels first. With the wheels they don't learn the confidence they need to finally take them off. We jsut got Zackary to ride his bike (we got him one w/out training wheels) and he has a much better/easier time on a straight away instead of curves. He does great now. Now we just need to get the other two new bikes and we'll do the same thing.

The Lanyons said...

I'm impressed she can do it WITH training wheels since she's only four!