Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't pass the peas!

I have to say that this expression is a perfect example of Kiersa's shock and horror when I try to feed her solid food. The wide eyes are priceless.

Kiersa isn't fond of solid food yet. She shutters at everything we offer her, whether its peaches, rice cereal, peas, applesauce or bananas. She wants what you're eating, and will gladly gum your applecore or taste bits of whatever you're eating, but if it's pureed, she won't have it! What I don't understand is how Kiersa can tolerate the vile taste of formula, yet can't stomach peaches. Have you ever tasted formula before? I got some on my finger once, so I tasted it, and though it was just a drop, I about gagged! It tastes just like iron! How does she eat breastmilk (which, though I haven't tasted it since my infancy, is reputed to taste quite nice and sweet), and then a little while later guzzle a bottle of formula? It's beyond my comprehension how her tastebuds function the way they do.

Kiersa is getting really mobile now. She doesn't crawl or roll for transportation, but since she hates lying down, we put her in her walker and she discovered about a week or two ago how to make it move forward. When we first put her in, her feet didn't touch the ground. When they finally touched, she'd move backward by pushing off the ground. Now that she can touch even better, she learned how to move it forward and actually walks with steps to wherever she wants to go. She'll do corners and she'll turn it around completely. It ticks her off when she gets stuck in doorways though.

I have really great videos of her walking in the walker and shuttering while eating, but for some reason the upload process will NEVER complete, so I can't show you them. Sorry. You're seriously missing out!


Marcee said...

Landon was the same way about baby food. He hated it!! He never ate it. He like formula, which I agree is terrible. But never liked baby food. He always wanted what we were eating. Kids are so funny.

Teresa Jolley said...

You should try to download them on You tube and then transfer over. Sometimes that works better. That is how Maren got her ten minute slideshow on there. I want to see her shudder.

The Lanyons said...

I agree about formula - kid's just have no taste. When we go through the airport and I have baby milk with me, they make me taste it and I want to gag! How can they drink the stuff?