Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crash derbies and second-hand headaches

We decided to put off pulling the rest of the asbestos siding off the house last Saturday, and instead had a family day. After cleaning up the yard a bit, it was lunchtime and time to go somewhere away from the house. No one wanted leftovers for lunch, so A&W was the order of the day. We found the scout troop from Ashland there, so we took them a couple blocks back to our house and gave them a tour of our money pit. Next, we headed over to Roseburg to do some car shopping and catch their county fair (Hyrum had been given free admission tickets).

Hyatt has had an obsession with race cars ever since watching the movie "Cars", so lucky for him, the fair has a race track and we caught some of the racing action. It was fun for about 10 minutes, but then the noise, the fumes, and the smokers close by were just too much for us. The kids were bored stiff, so I was happy to take them down to look at the piglets while Hyrum and Weston watched more racing. It turns out we left just before the crash derby, darn it!

"Race Tars!"

Gotta love the orange Pinto in the race! Or is it a Gremlin?

The kids got more rides in under their belt, which was fun for them, but I swear that every other person there was smoking, so I wasn't having much fun since the cigarette smoke was burning my eyes and giving me such a raging headache! Once the sun went down, the kids got cold and I felt like I couldn't breathe anymore. I've sworn off of fairs until they ban smoking to smoking sections away from the population. Hyrum suggested that I wear an asbestos mask so I couldn't smell it. Can you poison your fetus from second-hand smoke? I know my poor little ones were being poisoned, but what can you do? How do you convince smokers of their rudeness? It's hopeless.

Talea was concerned about the speed going down the slide, but ended up loving it. Hyatt panicked the whole way down.

The rollercoaster was thrilling for Talea, but again, Hyatt panicked the whole time. We didn't let the carnie stop the ride though (they were the only 2 on it) because we're trying to toughen Hyatt up. Don't worry, he was fine.

Hyrum and Weston had to do the bumper cars with each other. It's one of the only rides Hyrum can go on without getting sick.

Hyatt went on the dump truck ride...

because the hot air balloon ride would have one too many panic inducing rides for Hyatt in one night.

The games people suckered Hyrum into trying the strong man game.

Is it even possible to hit the top? He always seems to get 97 (out of 100) whenever he plays.

Talea tried her hand at it, and won a prize.

Talea's constant dilemma: her adventurous spirit is much taller than her physical body. Poor girl can't ride on half the rides she's dying to go on.

You see? Hyatt did enjoy himself.

As did Kiersa.


Marcee said...

I agree with the smoking thing. It drives me crazy. They really should have more respect for others, especially kids.

I, like Hyrum, get sick on most rides. Even though I love roller coasters. The whipping is just too much anymore.

Teresa Jolley said...

That was how Rain was on all the Lagoon rides. She rode them and got on them no problems, but she always had her face hidden and her eyes shut. Oh well, at least she went on them.

Our Pratt Pack said...

We're going to the crash derby at our fair, we've been trying to go the last 2 years but something always comes up... cross your fingers!

The Lanyons said...

Nice to see the source of my new hat!