Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodbye food truck...goodbye Weston

Summer is over!!! I can't believe it!

I mentioned before how in our area there is a food truck that comes around and gives free lunch to anyone under 18 in the area during the summer months. It's a school sponsored thing. I guess the Coos Bay/North Bend school districts found that a lot of children weren't getting proper nutrition when school was out, so they started the program. Coquille and Myrtle Point get the free lunches also. In my opinion, the food they serve isn't "high quality", but hey, if I get to prepare one less meal each weekday during the summer, I say "Hurray!" Now that the summer is over, free lunch is over. Waaahhhh! It ended on August 22nd. The best part of the free lunch program was that I didn't have to feed my ravenous teenage brother lunch during the summer. Weston was at our house all summer long digging out the crawlspace under our house with a buddy of his. Since they were only 16, they got to eat the free lunches also. It was wonderful! It wasn't quite enough food for their large appetites, so they often walked to the grocery store and got more stuff from the deli.

School starts on Wednesday in Ashland, so Weston is gone, I have my travel trailer back from the possession of his clothes and sleeping bag and dirt, my crawlspace is completely dug out, and my nasty siding is ripped off the house. Dallas and Braden came up this past weekend to help rip it off.

Look at my sad house! The white on the dormer is the old siding. We have the new windows, but they're not installed yet. We were going to have a construction company that Hyrum does the kitchens for come and side our house, repair the dry rot, and install the windows while we were in England, but we found out that it will cost us the rest of our money to have them do it, so it looks like things will be slower going that anticipated by doing it ourselves, maybe. We had a goal of getting in our house before the next baby arrives in February, but we'll most likely just be cramming one more body in our 400 sq ft apartment instead. That'll be a sad day, but we've been in tighter quarters before (when Hy and I drove semi we were crammed in that small space for 2 years). Isn't it the family that squooshes together, stays together? I hope so!!!


John-Maren Goodman said...

WOW!! That is unbelievable how much progress You have made to that house since I was there when Keirsa was born!!! I'm way impressed!!! I'm so anxious to see what the finished product will look like!

Cindi said...

There's an old country song that says, "love grows best in little houses". So, if that's true, you'll just have a very loving, happy family! :D

Teresa Jolley said...

I would seriously go INSANE but your kids are still young and they probably stay outside alot so it's probably not as bad. As for me, I couldn't do it because I have no patience.