Thursday, August 7, 2008


So, I thought I'd throw in a few updates.

This is Karen's dog, Arrow, when she was a puppy. She was one of the puppies from Scout's 1st litter and we sold her to Karen, my sister-in-law.

I told of how Arrow was bit by a rattlesnake a while ago and that it didn't look good for her. She didn't die from the rattlesnake bite though. Amazing, considering she's only about 4 pounds. (Arrow was one of our puppies from Scout's first litter.) She did get lost though, but was seen by someone hit on the side of the road, never to be seen again. It was very sad, yet ironic that she should end with the same fate as her mother. Scout was hit by a car right in front of my eyes last September, and is now buried on my parents' property. I never thought it would be so hard to lose a beloved pet. This picture is of Scout, but Arrow looked just like her, except with uncut ears.

A guy in our ward always walks his dogs by biking along with them and they pull him with the leash. He rarely has to even pedal! He lives down the road from us, so we see him frequently. He has a Pitbull and an Akita. He warns my kids not to trust the Akita, but that the Pitbull is safe. He says his Pitbull is loving and absolutely harmless and has never done anything bad and can always be trusted. (Sounds like Maren's Pitbull.) The Akita on the other hand, makes them nervous around strangers and children, so the kids can only pet the Pitbull. Well, the other day he was walking his Akita (bike style) and he stopped to chat with Hyrum. The Akita's face was all torn up. Hyrum asked what happened, and apparently the wonderful, innocent Pitbull got a wild hair one day and tore up the Akita's face. So much for trusting it so completely! That's what scares me when people tell me their dog (that is a breed of notorious aggression) is friendly and wouldn't harm a fly. My dogs sometimes fight, but neither of them ever comes out with a scratch. It's a good thing that family's kids are grown and it was the Akita who got it, not a person. I don't like my kids to pet that Pitbull now, because who knows if it will get ticked at them for something.

So, Little, our cat, had 6 kittens on the 31st of July, but 2 died within the first couple of days. I'm not sure if they just didn't get enough to eat, if they were cold, or if they were played with too much (Tilly kept sneeking in to them), but Little moved them into a box high on a shelf, so we let her keep them there. The 4 remaining ones are doing well.

One more person is pregnant in March!! It's unbelievable how many babies are due from Jan to April, with most being in Feb and March. I told you I'm contagious, and she got it from only reading my blog, or so the rumor is. I can't say her name though because she's another person keeping the cat in the bag for a while.

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