Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dental details

I finally took my kids to the dentist for the first time on Monday...well, Hyrum took them with me. Hyrum broke one of his molars while chewing gum way back when we took Talea to the track to ride her bike with no training wheels, so we finally got him an appointment to get it fixed. Hyrum and I went in for appointments at 8 am while Weston watched the kids, then we brought the kids in at 3 pm. At that appointment, Hyrum got his teeth cleaned and Tilly and Hyatt got an exam and cleaning. I've been trying to get the kids excited for going to the dentist, and sure enough, my efforts paid off. Talea was thrilled about everything from the waiting room toys to the movie she got to watch while in the chair. She watched Hyrum get his teeth cleaned and even got to run "Mr. Thirsty" (the spit sucker wand thing). She did very well in her appointment, although having a movie going makes for a major distraction so she wouldn't hear the dentist ask her to open her mouth or move her head from side to side.

While Talea was getting her exam, I took Hyatt over a couple rooms to get his teeth cleaned. Typical of his nature, he was afraid at first. The hygenist asked him if he wanted to get in the chair, to which he replied "No!", so I put him in the chair and sat next to him holding his hand. He did so well though that after a few minutes he let go of my hand and relaxed. I ran Mr. Thirsty for her this time. The most shocking of all is that she said Hyatt is the best, most cooperative 2 year-old she's ever had in her chair! I found that amazing considering how apprehensive he'd been about it all. I then took him over to the dentist for his check up, but he was DONE with the whole business. He refused to wear the bib or sit in the chair without the threat of tears, so the dentist had me hold him in my lap on the side chair and did the exam there. Hyatt was fine with that arrangement and did well again.

While we're on the subject of teeth, I have a confession. I have a tooth fettish. Teeth are the first thing I notice on people. I don't have gorgeous teeth, but I have dreams of them being beautiful and white. Hyrum has always had a thing for red-heads his whole life, and I've always had a thing for straight, white teeth. When I talk about teeth, Hyrum always says "I don't know how in the world I managed to get you." His teeth aren't bad, but I admit I would change a couple things if he'd let me. I tried to get him to use Crest white strips once, but after a few uses, he cursed the things and refused to put another one in. He has had whiter top teeth than bottom teeth ever since. Now, I did try to give him something to fantasize about by become a red-head twice, but it just doesn't look good on me. White teeth look good on everybody! I want whiter teeth, but I think it would look ridiculous if my teeth were much whiter than Hyrum's. I've seen people's family pictures where the wife has much whiter teeth, and I feel bad for the hubby.

I think I developed this fettish because I was always self-conscious about my teeth. I had a huge overbite, crooked teeth, and a bad repair job for about 13 years on my broken front teeth until I got crowns, which darkened my gums. I had braces as a youth, but was never given a proper retainer, so I need them again. If I had a bunch of "Tiana" money to burn, I'd get my teeth whitened, better crowns put on my front teeth (I broke them on a waterslide when I was 11), and get my teeth straightened again. Maybe that's what I'll be asking Hyrum for when he asks me what I want for a Christmas/birthday/anniversary present. It's just hard to ask for those things when they all cost so much money and they're only good for flattering my vanity. They don't do the family any good.

In summary, Hyrum needs two crowns, Talea has a tiny cavity starting that she'll get fixed next week, Hyatt's all good, I have a couple of tiny cavities that I'll get filled after the baby arrives and I'm dreaming of calling the cosmetic dentist in Coquille to see how he can help me.


Amanda said...

Hey, I remember when you broke your teeth.

I dislike my teeth also. As a child my dentist pulled too many and now my mid-line is off. It bugs me so much, but like you, I don't have enough "Amanda" money. By the time I do have the money I'll probably need dentures! :)
Glad your kids were good for the dentist. I KNOW I'm going to have problems with Addy, she is afraid of everything. I've been putting it off because I don't want to deal with the tantrum that is sure to come.

Marcee said...

My 3 oldest have all been to the dentist... many times. We were going to this great guy, he was a memeber of our ward, but then we got dental insurance, which is good, only we have to go to this one dentist and they are NOT kid friendly. They have no toys in the waiting room, the hygenist doesn't talk sweetly to them, they don't cater to them at all, which makes for a tramatic experience. We had to take Ean to a pediatric dentist because he just wouldn't cooperate, and that guy was amazing. Ean got x-rays, got a cleaning and examination and everything. He too let me hold Ean to make him more comfortable. There were toys, paintings, books and all sorts of fun things in his office. It was awesome.

Marcee said...

My 3 oldest have all been to the dentist... many times. We were going to this great guy, he was a memeber of our ward, but then we got dental insurance, which is good, only we have to go to this one dentist and they are NOT kid friendly. They have no toys in the waiting room, the hygenist doesn't talk sweetly to them, they don't cater to them at all, which makes for a tramatic experience. We had to take Ean to a pediatric dentist because he just wouldn't cooperate, and that guy was amazing. Ean got x-rays, got a cleaning and examination and everything. He too let me hold Ean to make him more comfortable. There were toys, paintings, books and all sorts of fun things in his office. It was awesome.

Anonymous said...

my kids love going to the dentist, which is crazy because I have been known to cry during a cleaning. I am seriously afraid of the dentist.

The Lanyons said...

What about Hy using whitestips for your Christmas present? It's a cheap and self-sacrificing present then you could do your own and feel happier. The gift that keeps on giving!

Teresa Jolley said...

I HATE the dentist. Maybe because my mom passed her horrible teeth on to all of us and I to have had several teeth just break off because we have such week enamel. Oh well, that's how life goes.