Sunday, February 1, 2009

White noise

Holy cow! I found this draft from last August that I never published and figured I'd better post it for my journaling.

Hyatt truly takes after his Daddy. Hyrum HAS to sleep with a fan, and because of that, Hyatt has learned to enjoy it. I went downstairs the other day to do some laundry, and I could swear I was hearing a heartbeat. I went upstairs and found that Hyatt had climbed into Kiersa's crib, turned on the heartbeat bear, and had fallen asleep to its noise.

Okay, flash forward to today, February 1st. Hyatt still enjoys sleeping with white noise, especially Hyrum's fan, and will often climb into our bed, turn on the fan, and take a nap. Hyrum has started playing "Goodnight my Angel" by Billy Joel on his mp3 for our kids before they fall asleep since it's Talea's favorite lullaby, and now he has Kiersa stuck on it. She doesn't sleep well at night unless she's fallen asleep to that song. It will instantly calm her because Hyrum started snuggling with her in bed while that song played, and she'd fall asleep. Hyrum thinks it's great that my kids love white noise when they fall asleep, but I think it's pretty lame because A. it's Billy Joel and B. Kiersa can be a nightmare if she doesn't get her song.

Oh well. Kids are only small for a little while and Daddies need to cuddle their babies as much as they can before they grow up and want their space. Even if the song would be a million times better sung by most anyone else, I think it's cute that the kids all go snuggle with him while they listen to that song. We just need a king-size bed with 3, soon to be 4, kids in our bed having "snuggle time".


The Not-a-hoes said...

ah king sized beds are amazing. the one and only plus in my apt right now! :)

The George's said...

Berklee was 9 days early. They said that had nothing to do with her problems. I am hoping she'll be home by the 14th but will be happy if home by the end of the month. We are blessed she is with us and excited to have her home. We're off to the NICU again. Good luck with everything!

The Lanyons said...

Yeah, I think you're just letting yourselves in for a world of hurt. Why would you encourage your kids to be dependent on something if you can help it? It's like giving them a pacifer that they'll want for the rest of their lives!! I'm sure I do they same thing when I cut the crusts off Tabby's bread though so I guess I can't really talk!!

Teresa Jolley said...

Every single person in my house sleeps with a fan now. For Starlett, it drowns out all the other noise in the house for her daytime naps and I just can't stand straight quite. Drives me nuts.