Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our personal Valentine

One year ago, on Valentine's Day, Kiersa was born. I was hoping she wouldn't be born on a holiday, but she was. Now, I think it's precious and it's easier for people to remember her birthday. Sadly, her birthday is squished right next to a new baby sister. Only 2 days apart. And even sadder, I was in the hospital still for over half of Kiersa's birthday.

When I was checked out of the hospital, I felt faint the whole walk out to the car, then I felt nauseous on our drive home. We stopped at Safeway to get all the kids balloons for Valentines Day, then we stopped at Fred Meyer so Hyrum could get Kiersa a couple of gifts. Yes, we procrastinate to the very last second. Most of the gifts we buy never get to be wrapped because we buy them at the last minute. After Freddy's, we headed home. I napped a little bit on the way home, so by the time we arrived, I felt a little better. I think I'd just been sleep deprived.

Lucky for Kiersa, she has an Aunt Maren. The Johnsons are WAY better at celebrating occasions than I am, so Maren was prepared. She made an adorable "cupcake" cake for Kiersa.

Kiersa got help from Talea in blowing out the candle,

then it was up to me to coax Kiersa into eating the cupcake. She kept looking at it as though it was too pretty to eat,

then after tasting it, she realized how tasty it was and she went to town.

She's not that great with drinking from a cup without spilling, but she likes to try.

What's even more fun is feeding the dogs!

She loved her little bike she got, and she can even walk it around. Now she has something to ride with the other kids!

She got a couple of bags of animals that all the kids love to play with.

During my hospital stay, Kiersa went from being a part-time walker to a full-time walker. It's so adorable to see her walk because she holds her hands up above her head like she's a ballerina...or a monkey. I'll have to get it on video one of these days while she still holds her arms up.


Annie said...

I love the first birthday pics - she is adorable! I can't believe you have a newborn too! Happy Birthday to Kiersa!

The Not-a-hoes said...

Kiersa def looks more like Hyatt now I think.

Teresa Jolley said...

Yeah Kiersa for turning one, at least your girls will be the best of friends.

The Lanyons said...

Happy (late) Birthday Keirsa! Looks like it was fun, even if it was last second.