Tuesday, February 3, 2009

37 weeks

So, the weight loss was a fluke. The baby's not here yet, and I gained those 2 pounds I lost right back...back to 179. Oh so precariously teetering on the verge of 180. I was hoping to pop before I toppled over to the other side, but that may be wishful thinking. I guess the 14 or so homemade oatmeal cookies (that Maren made) I ate on Sunday and the banana splits John bought toppings for and the ice cream Hyrum bought didn't really help my situation. I have a hard time turning down yummy stuff like that. I blame all the evil influences in my house...Hyrum, John and Maren!!!! I guess I can get away with it for the next couple of weeks while I have an excuse to bulge my waistline, so it's okay.

Here are some pictures of my massive belly, and evidence that this little girl is trying to literally "claw" her way out of my uterus. Look at the stretchmarks! They're isolated in one patch, as though I was clawed! I mean, really, the rest of my belly is unscathed!

My dilation to a 1 was confirmed by the doctor today (way to go Hy!), and I'm 65% effaced. I have group B strep (wikipedia it or google it if you don't know what GBS is)...again (I knew I would), so I'm in for a mandatory 48 hour hospital stay. I'm no longer considered preterm and all the checking the doctor did kicked in some much wanted contractions. I was told to head to the hospital when I'm dilated to a 4 or 5 and having regular contractions so I can get enough antibiotics in (last time I waited until I was almost a 7 and didn't get enough antibiotics in before Kiersa was born). We went to Walmart afterward to get some sample size shampoo and stuff for the hospital and decided to walk around the store to see if I could kick things into gear. Lots of contractions, but nothing promising.

Still pregnant.


The Not-a-hoes said...

oh i am so jealous! i wish i only had a few stretch marks, and was close to delivery. I am so DONE being prego. I will be at 37 weeks in 3 1/2 weeks!! but all the johnsons will be in oregon so i guess i will just have to wait till every one comes back

The Lanyons said...

Oh man you look so uncomfortable! The end is so hard!

Teresa Jolley said...

Is this the first pregnancy that you got strechmarks? Daylon covered my whole belly, rain gave me a few just above my belly button and Star didn't give me anymore and so far neither has Rocky. Thank goodness.