Saturday, February 7, 2009

Toothy tantrums

I finally got Kiersa to show her teeth long enough to take a picture! She got her first one on her 9 month birthday, then the second later that month,

then she finally got a front tooth the last day of January, with a couple more threatening to pop through any day. All my kids have snaggle teeth at first, with only one front tooth for a while.

She still constantly sticks her tongue out, which I've come to find out is a Hassell trait, especially when they're concentrating. At least I have someone to blame it on now!

She has a new trick now. For the last month or so, she's gotten really saucy in her attitude, and isn't the quiet, contented baby she used to be. She knows what she wants and if she doesn't get it, a temper tantrum ensues, including flopping on the floor, kicking and crying, and even blowing on the floor in anger.

Little stinker! Luckily, even though she cries now more than she ever has before (she never was a big crier), she still is good enough that I was able to take all three of my kids to the hair salon with me and Kiersa sat quietly on the floor the whole time sucking on a bottle while Tilly and Hyatt ate and played on the couch. I hope it lasts!

She's added a few more words to her vocabulary: Cowboy, cupboard, bird, turtle, and...I can't remember the others. I'm seriously impressed by her vocab already since my others kids didn't say this many words before they turned one. She says at least a couple dozen words regularly.

Today, I caught Kiersa doing a new accomplishment. She went from sitting on the floor to standing by herself without grabbing onto anything for help. I wish I'd gotten it on film! After she stood, she took off walking! She's so close to being a full-time walker, I can't wait! When Tilly was a year and a day old, my niece Sophia was born and we went to see her in the hospital, and Talea was running around in the curtains in the hospital room. Kiersa will be 1 in 7 more days, and she's not close to running, but at least she will be walking full-time pretty soon. Cleaner clothes here we come! One bummer though is that she's discovered how to open drawers and cupboards, which makes for a nightmare at work since there's a million of them there. I'm constantly going around shutting and closing door and drawers all day. She also is obsessed with turning on my robot vacuum, which gets old REALLY fast.

Kiersa has been such a great baby, and I still can't believe that in a couple of weeks she'll look so old compared to a newborn. Here's to hoping that my next baby will be as easy as Kiersa was!


The Lanyons said...

That second picture is hilarious! Kiersa's cleverness must have come from that trip to Europe in her formative first year. Now she’s all cultured and wise but not too sporty – just like the Brits!

Teresa Jolley said...

Don't you love the tantrum days. I remember when Starlett started those but it seems like not that long ago, maybe 6 months ago, so she was 1 1/2. I also can't believe that your gonna have a brand new one when she still feels like a baby. It'll be weird.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby!!! Wish I could hold her