Saturday, February 14, 2009

4 days before delivery

I just got back from the hospital today, but before I post more pictures of the baby or tell my story, I need to post the pictures that Maren took of me last Sunday. It was a bit rainy, so we took indoor and outdoor pictures, but it was a good thing we took the pictures on Sunday because on Monday night we left for Portland and didn't get back until Wednesday when I was in labor, and ended up in the hospital on Wednesday evening. I honestly didn't think I'd deliver 11 days early. I thought for sure I'd deliver a week late since Talea was 2 weeks early, Hyatt was 1 week early, then Kiersa was 2 days early. The pattern left me thinking Paisli would arrive on March 2nd, which would follow a different pattern. Tilly was born on May 4, Hyatt on April 3, so March 2 would be next in line, with Kiersa's Valentine's birth being a fluke.

So it ends up Paisli was born 2 days before Kiersa turned 1, so they ended up being less than a year apart after all. What have I done! Anyway, here are the pictures from just before my bubble burst. I didn't photoshop any, so just ignore the junk in the yard...our yard is still in shambles.

By the way, I'm going to post captions on the post Hyrum did a couple of days ago so you know what's going on in each picture, just in case you wanted to look at that one again to see the explanations (plus I have to do editing for him since he's my math mind instead of my English wiz...ha ha).


Tiana Johnson said...

WOW I really love these photo's, Who took them? Just kidding, I'm really happy these turned out so great, but it's not hard to do when you have such a beautiful family, and especially a trully beautiful women as the focus of the camera! Thank you so much for letting me take the pictures.

Teresa Jolley said...

I love how you take pregnant pictures right before you have your babies. It seems like I never had 9 month along pictures. I always took them spratically through out the pregnancy but always forgot the very end. There very pretty.

The Lanyons said...

These are so nice - I never did that with Tabs, but then again I didn't look as good as you did at the end!! You look so beautiful!