Wednesday, February 11, 2009

38 weeks...and done?!

I moved my appointment up a day to Monday (my 38 week day), since I wanted to go to Portland with Hyrum on Tuesday, the day of my original appointment. Hyrum had business meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, and I was afraid of him going without me in case I went in labor. If I went with him, we could at least go to any hospital and he would be with me.

The doctor checked me and said I'm now a 2 (which is what Hyrum thought I was) and still 65% effaced. He also told me he thought it was a bad idea to go to Portland.

So did I listen to him? Heck no! I wasn't about to let Hyrum leave me. We took off for Portland that night. Nothing eventful happened on Tuesday, so we went to Babies R Us to find a bed for the baby. We ended up just getting a small travel play yard so it could fit next to our bed and then later we could use it at the shop. Next we went to Costco (Hyrum's favorite place) and got a few things we needed. That night, I started losing my mucous plug, which made Hyrum pretty nervous since his most important class was the next day, and we were almost 4 hours from home. He checked my dilation and I was still a 2. We figured we were still okay.

On Wednesday morning, I woke up at 7:40 and started having contractions. They were roughly 10 minutes apart, from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next. Hyrum told me to come get him out of his meeting if they were closer than 10 minutes apart and he told me to stay in bed. Aside from a shower, I stayed in bed, and they continued at 10 minutes apart until noon when Hyrum came back for lunch. They felt crampish too, so we did another dilation check and found that I was at least a 3 1/2. Too close for comfort, so we packed up and left without Hyrum getting the second half of his meeting.

On the way home, we stopped at Costco since we forgot to buy rice milk (half my family's lactose intolerant). I went inside to buy it since I had to go to the bathroom anyway. Then we were on the road again. What would labor be for me if I wasn't busy doing something like moving or shopping???

When we were about a half hour from home, Hyatt complained that he needed to poop and then Talea got carsick and couldn't find her vomit bag. We pulled off the road really fast so Hyrum could give Talea Hyatt's vomit bag, then he had to take Hyatt out so he could poo on the side of the road because it had become a desperate situation. All the while, I'm contracting. Fun for us!

So here I am at home. My contractions are around 7 minutes apart (from the beginning of one to the beginning of the next) and I'm getting ready to get checked to see if it's time to go to the hospital. So...the next time I write, we should be a family of 6.

And the scary thing is...this little one and Kiersa will be less than a year apart. Kiersa turns one on Valentine's Day. The lame thing is, I'll probably have the baby tomorrow, the 12th, which is already Dane (my brother) and Sabreena's (my niece) birthday. Just what we need! One more family member on that day. I HATE that!


Teresa Jolley said...

Awwww, I can't believe it's already happening. You need to hold out til we get there. Ya right huh? You guys better call the second it happens. I'm so excited and I just can't believe it's time. CRAZY!! Good luck with your labor and I love you and will see you soon.

Amanda said...

I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to see the newest addition.

Good luck, I'll be thinking of you :)

The Leithead Family said...

Good luck, Tiana!!

Marcee said...

I am laughing so hard right now reading this. You seriously went into Costco while in labor!! That is hilarious... Hope that all goes well and you have a new one soon... I know how you feel about having them less than a year apart, but at least they are not 11months apart, right!! Good luck!!

The Lanyons said...

You are a true pioneer Tiana - making a big trek, gathering supplies, helping kids to poo in the outdoors - and all whilst in labor!!