Sunday, May 31, 2009


15 months old and Kiersa is already escaping from her crib. I had to take her pillow out so she couldn't use its thickness as a step-stool.

She also is trying to potty train herself, much to my shock. She's very aware of when she needs to go, so while we're shopping in WalMart, she'll suddenly stop walking, squat down, stare at us and say "Poop!" Sometimes she'll even beckon me to the toilet. I've never had any of my kids trained before 2 years and 3 months, but Kiersa may be my first.


Cindi said...

My boys were climbing out of their cribs before they were walking (at 9 months)!! You're lucky!! :D

The Lanyons said...

What a cute little sequence of pictures!

Annie said...

I am so lucky - Harrison has never even attempted an escape - and he is almost two!

You have your hands full!

Karin Stephens said...

I'm so jealous she is already potty training. Matthew is driving me crazy!