Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oi, Hyatt!!!

You know how it takes a kid a little while to be able to speak properly? I used to say w's instead of r's (wudolph the wed nosed weindeew). Tilly couldn't say her l's forever (she said her name as Tawea Wiwa). Hyatt can't say the "or" sound.

Anything with "or" in it is pronounced "oi".

Hoise (horse)
Yoi (your)
Doi (door)
Moi (more)
Oinge juice (orange juice)
Foik (fork)

You get the idea. It's so stinkin' cute I don't want him to change.

He's beginning to pick up Talea's characteristics now that he's older and spends ALL of his time with her. The two are inseparable. Talea insists he goes to preschool with her, so he goes since the moms don't mind. Hyrum took Talea on a Daddy/daughter date to a movie on the Saturday before her birthday, but Hyatt was a little bummed he wasn't going so Talea was quick to invite him along and say she wanted a Daddy/daughter/Hyatt date. Since he's with her so much, he's starting to shed his shyness shell he's been hiding in his whole life. I've taken the kids to the park after work a couple times this week while Hyrum's wrapping things up at the shop, and I've noticed that Hyatt has suddenly decided he's brave enough to run onto the playground yelling things like "hi guys!" to the other children and going up to random kids and just chatting with them on a bench for a while. That is soooo Talea, not Hyatt.

Even though he's picking up her courage to make friends with stranger children, he doesn't have her guts when it comes to bugs. He refuses to hold worms because they're too slimy. Kiersa has a lot of interest in bugs just because they look intriguing, but she follows Hyatt's example and doesn't want to touch them. Looking is enough for her. I thought all my kids would be into bugs, but it looks like Talea is alone with the entomology interest. She could be Daisha's child easily (competitive, tom boy, etc).

When Hyatt gets tired, he doesn't fight it like Talea. He simply states, "I'm tired", then he goes and puts himself to bed. He's very low maintenance, though he does cry more than I'd care for.

Oi!!! Isn't he a cutie?


Anonymous said...

Very Cute!! Love the family picture on top!

Teresa Jolley said...

Looks like you have a sensitive emotional boy like my Daylon, careful, you'll start to become over protective cuz you don't his feelings hurt. That's what I do anyway.

The Lanyons said...

I think you forgot to finish your sentence. I think what you meant to say was, "She could be Daisha's child easily (competitive, tom boy, hilarious, cute, darling, adorable, good natured, funny, witty, bright, charming, lovely, nice, and oh so modest)."