Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Long overdue updates

So much has happened over the past few weeks, but I haven't been able to blog about them because my life suddenly became a whirlwind and I haven't had any time to sit at the computer. Where do I start? After our Easter Cluff reunion, we came home and went back to work.

We moved Paisli out of our room and she and I started sleeping through the night...well, until 6:30 or 7 am.

But...then she got sick a couple days later and that glorious blessing that all mothers celebrate (a full night's sleep) ended since her phlegm kept waking her (and me) up.

Then Daisha came to visit, and her 35th birthday was during her visit, so we went to the Game Park again (always a blast for us, especially since we saw a pygmy goat just minutes after it's birth),

and to 7 Devils Beach where the wind blew our hair into our ice cream cake and made it too miserable for a bonfire, so we went home to barbeque our dogs,

let the kids bond,

and let Edward experience his first pinata (ghetto style, with an extension cord on a broom handle to dangle it over the railing and a broken toy broom handle for the stick).

Talea was devastated when Tabitha had to leave so she had a hard cry while Hyatt did his kisses goodbye with Tabitha. Talea LOVES to play with girls of any age, but really has very little interest in playing with boys, other than Hyatt.

Also during my blogging hiatus , Kiersa Milly developed a minor addiction to her fuzzy/soft blanket.

I can't break Kiersa's bottle habit. I've never had a problem with getting my other kids off the bottle when they turned 1 because I just put all the bottles away and had only sippy cups. This time though, I have to keep the bottles around for Paisli, so Kiersa keeps stealing Paisli's bottle when I'm not looking (like while she's riding next to Paisli in the car), which makes it pretty impossible to break her of her bottle addiction. I've decided that with how crazy my life is right now and how stressed I get, the last thing I need to worry about is making sure Kiersa is off bottles. Have at it little Milly!

I watched (brace yourself) High School Musical for the first time. I LOVE musicals, but this was one hard movie to sit through. Actually, I didn't sit through the whole thing. I did housework since that sounded like more fun than the torture of that movie. I couldn't stand the overexaggerated facial expressions and annoying acting by Sharpay (who names their kid after a wrinkly dog breed?). I'd be fine never seeing another one again. It was a sad attempt at copying Grease, though the main boy was cute, but young enough that if I was naughty in high school, I could have a son his age. Yikes! I'm getting old.

We moved our travel trailer back to the shop, so we have our driveway back again! Hurray! We were supposed to go camping at Arizona Beach this weekend for Tilly's birthday, but the weather didn't cooperate. It's been postponed for a couple of weekends.

We tilled for a garden, and planted it.

While mowing, I found my mini-me. Hyatt LOVES to mow with me and is convinced that HE keeps the grass short with his bubble mower. Maybe I should kick back for a while and let him take over!

My Dad moved in with us. We warned him of our crazy life, but he wanted to come up here.

He made us his famous salsa and macaroni and cheese. If you've ever had these foods made by my dad, you're drooling right now.

He is going to learn to design and he's helping us get more organized and productive so our business will hopefully survive this economic/building plummet. His move means we now have Kiersa's crib and Paisli's bassinet back in our room, and we brought another twin bed up in the living room so Dad could sleep in the kid's twin bed. We're packed like sardines, but it's nothing we're not used to (remember, Hy and I lived in a semi truck for a couple years when we first got married). Now, is Dad used to this cramping? Maybe. His house was a lot bigger, but my mom is a collector of...well, everything. I hope he feels at home and that our long flight of stairs and being away from mom aren't too rough on him.

Tilly turned 5!!! I can't believe she's old enough for school! What's even better is that I no longer have 4 kids under the age of 4. I'll have to post about the big day later.

Hyrum Netflixed High School Musical 2 and 3 (despite my protests), and I've been dying! I did more housework to take my mind off it. My dad watched these and actually found them tolerable. Ugh. Hyrum seemed to enjoy every minute of them! How in the world do we coexist so well with such differing movie tastes!?

I started walking in the morning and am thoroughly enjoying the morning light. The donkeys down the road had an adorable baby, and the Canadian geese are back with their goslings. I love walks!

Paisli has started sleeping through the night again (for the last 3 nights), but her nose started getting runny again today, so I have a feeling the luxury sleep I've been getting will end tonight.


The Not-a-hoes said...

i cant wait for a full nights sleep! i have ruined that thought, Marlee is so spoiled she wont even sleep in her crib for more than 45 min without realizing she is alone and waking up!

I cant stand high school musical either. I dont know how teresa puts up with them all!

The Lanyons said...

I forgot to get pictures from you when we traded memory card so it's a surprise every time I see your blog. Thanks so much for hosting us, it was really fun.

Glad you're finally blogging again - it's been ages!

Our Pratt Pack said...

I can't believe you caved and watched HSM I'm proud to say I've yet to see it. We have those same crib sheets too, and those pics of kiersa with her blanky remind me of boston too cute! I can't believe the girls are already turning 5 I feel like we were just prego with them!

Marcee said...

The kids look so good... glad tha tthe sickness is finally ending, and hopefully Paisli's runny nose is just that and nothing more.

I haven't seen HSM yet and kind of feel like you about it. I have no desire to see it. Glad I read your blog before I did!

Nial and Elle said...

thanks for the update!
i'm guilty of the same thing... its just been so busy!

Anonymous said...

Alexandra and I love the High School Musicals too! Sorry Tiana - We LOVE corny musicals. We're not so good with the classics. We'll be stuck in that part of our childhoods forever! I've been meaning to call Tilly all week and tell her Happy Birthday. I still will, but if you see this before I call, let her know I love her muchly!!!

Love you all!

Teresa Jolley said...

I have to agree with Elisabeth. Maybe if you had a 7 or 8 yr old that was obsessed with it, you kind of have to like it. Plus, if you ignore all the old musicals you like and pretend that you were a 7 yr old, you'd like this one the same way I liked Grease. My favorite was the 3rd. Next I have to agree with Meghan about counting the days til I get to sleep more then 4 hours at a time. Lucky you. I don't know how in the world you can have so many people in your lil apt and not go bonko, but all the power to ya. How long is your dad going to be staying with you?I should have just emailed you for how long my comment is. Also, LOVE the pics of Kiersa and her blanky and don't feel bad about not getting her off the bottle, Star is STILL on her bottle. I am too relaxed with my younger two I guess, but when she switches over to a bed then I'll take it away. Luv you all.