Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Land before Talea

Talea has been dying to go the dinosaur place on the coast, Prehistoric Gardens, and we wanted to take her on her birthday, but we were rained out.

We went on Memorial Day weekend instead. In reality, the place is pretty lame without kids. You walk through a little rainforest place and look at low-budget dinosaur replicas.

But with's great! At least with our kids, because Talea was totally into it,

and Hyatt was terrified. Kiersa just loved walking on the inclines since her favorite thing right now is walking up and down ramps.

Paisli was just glad to be out of a carseat.

Hyrum had a great time scaring Hyatt, making him think dinosaurs were after him, so I spent my time consoling him and carrying him or pushing him in the stroller (the only hiding spot he could find). Okay, okay. I teased him too. But it was only a plant-eater!

Talea loved breaking the rules with Hyrum by following his promptings to go off the path to get cooler pictures.

We followed the footprints... chased by the flying one...

...and Paisli got licked on the behind.

Okay, so maybe I'm making it look cooler than it was, but we finally went! Been there...done that.

Is it overpriced? Yes

Is it cheesy? Yes

Was it worth going to once? Yes, if you take kids.


The Lanyons said...
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The Lanyons said...

WHAT?! I've never even heard of this place! You know this is just my kind of thing. Next time I'm out we're going!

Marcee said...

My kids would LOVE this place. They are all about dinosaurs! Where is it?

Our Pratt Pack said...

We have a place like this I've been wanting to take Boston too. I'm sure it will be the same but hey if the kids have fun right?!

Gotolson said...

Yeah, the sweet 70's lead paint keeps it pretty prehistoric! Jude loves that place. Especially the huge Brachisaurus and the Duck Bill that you took the picture with Hyatt.Fun Fun Fun!

The Lanyons said...

Seriously, we're going!