Thursday, May 28, 2009

Spring is in the air

It's "dating" season! I have no qualms with telling Talea how it is. She's so curious and has such a thirst for knowledge and how things work. If she asks me how and why questions, I tell her. So when she asked me why bugs are stuck together lately, I told her they're mating so they can make baby bugs.'s true.

Talea heard me wrong. When she saw these bugs, she caught them, then she exclaimed, "Look! They're dating!" When Hyrum questioned her as to what dating was, she said it's making babies. Okay, dating is out of the question for Talea now without a chastity belt!!!


Our Pratt Pack said...

too funny, I had the same talk with Kya today over some moths... however I left out the dating part

The Lanyons said...


lauren said...

Yo woman - this is Lauren an old roomate at byu - tome friend.. That is so cute - for sure NO DATING!! I am pretty straight up with my youngest cause he doesn't really understand - but all that stuff freaks me out. Your family is so cute!!

Teresa Jolley said...

What's funny is that you have 3 girls...your going to have your hands full.