I've been thinking of the contrast between when I had Talea and when I had Paisli. With Talea, being my first, she completely consumed my time. I had no other distractions, so I was extremely focused on her and every single milestone. I didn't have any other noses to wipe, no other crying babies to hold, no other kids to feed, no other diapers to change, no other baby books to update and no other bodies to dress. I wasn't working either. Things are VERY different now. It's strange how I was able to adjust to having several kids when one seemed to take up everything I had in me.
With one, I updated the baby book constantly and most everything was brand new. After the fourth, it seems that I'm lucky to notice when something happens, and I never have a pencil handy or time available to write those milestones down and when they happened. Everything is hand-me-downs from someone or somewhere. Ah, the joys of being the youngest!
I haven't had time to blog lately (until the last few days), so I feel like I've neglected Paisli's newness a little too much. Here's a little catch up on what she's been doing in her life during her first months, and some cute pictures I took the other day.
During her 3 months in this life, Paisli has...
-started to laugh, a little (mostly she just holds it in letting out slight bursts)
-smiled constantly
-slept through the night for the past few weeks, never waking earlier than 5:45am.
-discovered her hands
-started scooting around when she's mad and crying and kicking (she was crying on the bed, then I heard her freak out for a few seconds but figured she was just mad since her crying settled a bit, then sounded muffled...I checked on her and couldn't find her...I found her in the crack between our bed and Kiersa's crib, legs flailing straight up in the air, head-down with her face in the pillows that were shoved down the crack...Hyrum said he put her far away from the edge, so apparently she can move quite a bit now...thank goodness she was only stuck in a crack on some pillows and didn't fall off the edge on our hard floor)
-held her head up almost since birth
-cooed and "talked" to us for a while now
-tracks you around the room with her eyes
-always loved showers and only grudgingly tolerated baths
-figured out the power of crying to get attention
-chunked up faster than Tilly and Hyatt ever did, but nowhere near as fast/much as Kiersa did
-decided she'll make a fuss if she's put down and has started to stay awake for a large part of the day, which makes for tired mommy arms. Thank goodness for slings!
I know what you mean about being the youngest. And I only have one other kid that requires alot but even having the two older, it's still a hand full and I sometimes feel like I missing out on his newborn stage cuz I'm busy with so many other things. And I haven't posted much about him either so I understand all your comments, but this post definatly made up for it. She is so cute. Rocky is finally getting to the point where he smiles quite a bit.
I guess now it's easier to understand why you and I (5th and 6th children) basically had no pictures of us or stuff in our baby books. It's a jip I tell ya! Is that how you spell jip? I seem to recall seeing it as gyp once or twice as well.
PS - Paisli's SO cute!
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