Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Let's go fly a kite!

It was such a blustery day on Saturday that Talea couldn't resist pulling her kite out of storage to test it out. We only used it once before, and it was so long ago that I don't even remember when or where we used it, but it was adorable to watch Talea control the kite.
I helped Talea get it up in the air...

...and she flew it by herself.

Hyrum came along and helped her get it way up to the clouds...

...and she was thrilled! But as quickly as her enthusiasm crested...

...monotony set in.

After a long time of flying it, we figured she was sick of it so Hyrum brought it back to earth. As soon as it was all wound up, she said she wanted to fly it again. Why not? So Hyrum let it all out again and she flew it until Hyatt woke up from his nap and had a go with it.

He enjoyed it too.

They even worked together by Hyatt holding the stick of string, and Talea holding onto the single string to make sure he didn't let go and lose the kite.

After a long, full day of flying, it ended in disaster. As I was pulling the kite in, it started going in crazy circles and spiraled behind our apartment into the wires of the neighbors yard.

Here's how our fun ended. Oh well, we can always get another kite.


John-Maren Goodman said...

That is an awesome idea! I should do that with my little guy tonight for FHE!~ Thanks for the idea! I'm so proud that they were flying a Spongebob Squarepants kite! Their uncle John would be proud too~! We love spongebob!

Smart said...

Oh I love your family! Your kids are seriously sooooo cute and look just like you!
Thank you for such nice comments! I miss you so much too! And I love writing. Sometimes I gotta hold myself back from blogging every day. You guys seriously are MORE than welcome to come visit us!! Bring the kids! We have a spare bedroom with a queen bed. You can come this fall and see the gorgeous leaves and kyak down the slow river, we can go on hikes and all kinds of fun stuff! Just give us the date and we'll make room! That would be so fun! My husband has got to meet you!

The Lanyons said...

Can't remember the last time I flew a kite! Looks like fun though, we'll have to get one.