Friday, September 5, 2008

Tagged again!

The little quirks that make me, me!

1. The things I love to do the most are slowly being taken away from me because of carpal tunnel (painting, yard work, sewing) or knee pains (riding horses). I feel like the girl on Saturday's Warrior who loved dancing but was trapped in a wheel chair.
2. If I find out I have to go somewhere in the evening and I haven't put makeup on all day, I won't put it on because I feel like it's such a waste of time and money if it's coming off in less than 6 hours. I figure people can handle it if I look au naturel, even if I look better in makeup.
3. I don't need a fan on to fall asleep, and would never choose to sleep with a fan (my hubby insists on it), but if Hyrum has the fan on all night, and then turns it off in the morning, I can't fall asleep again without turning it back on.
4. If I feel pressured by a deadline (like leaving for our trip today), I procrastinate doing things I don't want to do (like more laundry, washing the dogs and their bedding, and final packing) by watching a movie or going online to research stuff (usually baby stuff) or blog (like finishing this tag).
5. I hate waking up early, but if I ever manage to do it, my favorite time of day is just after dawn when the world is quiet and the morning light makes everything look gorgeous. I love walking outside at that time of day.
6. I hate planning, so I procrastinate it, and end up buying gifts the day before, the day of, after the event, or not at all. I rarely decorate for holidays or throw parties for my family because of my inability to plan ahead.
7. I used to cry during shots (at the doctor or dentist), until I got pregnant and got poked a million times. Because of my fear of needles, I've never donated blood. I've been signed up a couple of times, but luckily something has always come up that prevents me (like getting pregnant).
8. I HATE shopping for bras and makeup. I put it off until it's a desperate necessity, and then I'm disgruntled the whole time because it's sooooooooooo frustrating! I started Mary Kay so I wouldn't have to stand in the make-up aisle pulling my hair out anymore, but I don't sell Mary Kay anymore.
9. I never paint my fingernails or toenails because it chips too quickly and then looks worse than bare nails. I don't have enough patience to touch it up. I bite my fingernails too often anyway.
10. My heels are in desperate need of attention, especially during the summer, but it's the last thing I have time to pay attention to, so they go ragged. Hyrum's heels are way better than mine, and it was almost a turn off when I met him to see that his heels were baby soft while mine were rough and cracked.

I tag those of you who, like me, feel obligated to complete a tag once tagged, and can't function properly until that tag is finished.

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