Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I've been abandoned

Off the top of my head, I can't remember the last time I was sitting in my house in the middle of the day without at least one child with me. Right now, I'm feeling very displaced, and, oddly, very FREE! I don't have one of my children within 50 miles of me!
It's bitter sweet. It feels very liberating to think that I don't have to bend to anyone's whim but my own for the next few hours, but I also feel very lonely and awkward without anyone wanting to crawl on my lap or have a snack or wimpering for a bottle. I'm so deeply engrossed in mother-mode at this point in my life, that I hardly know how to function out of it.
Today is the day I'm supposed to pack the family for our trip to England (we're heading to San Fransisco on Friday to fly out on Sunday), and since it's also Wednesday, the day Hyrum goes to Winston to pick up countertops, he decided to take the kids, without me, so I could get more accomplished. I wonder what he'd think if he knew I was procrastinating by blogging? Hey, I did bring the suitcases up from storage, and I did do a million loads of laundry yesterday to have every option of clothing clean and available to pack. Hyrum had to take one of his employees with him to show him how to get the countertops while we're gone, but if Hyrum's truck held 6 people, I probably would have tagged along with them instead of doing the dreaded packing alone. Wait, they're also unloading all the bags of asbestos siding at the hazmat dump, so maybe I'm glad I didn't get to go.
All right, I'll go pack! I won't have time to do it tomorrow because tomorrow is the day I have to clean the entire house spotless (which shouldn't be hard with the size, but the amount of people immediately dirtying up that small space afterward makes it a horrifying task). Hyrum's employee (the one going to Winston with him today) and his girlfriend and baby are going to housesit for us so someone will be able to feed our animals and water my plants, and make sure no homeless guys become squatters in our big house. I hate packing and cleaning! I think that's part of why Hyrum took the I would have one less stress while I pulled out my hair doing the tasks I dread the most.
Okay, okay, I'm really going to pack now...after I yell at my dogs for barking at the people walking down the alley.


Annie said...

You are going to have such a wonderful time! Jordan and I went to England a few months before Harrison was born - and we LOVED it! I can't wait to see all your posts from your trip! HAVE FUN!

The Lanyons said...

We're sisters all right! I'm the biggest packing procrastinator ever! I'm always finishing up as the car is waiting!

Teresa Jolley said...

Isn't it so easy to procrasinate?? I know first hand. But...if I were going to England, I'd have to much excitement and motivation.Hope you guys have fun. I'm jealous.

Amanda said...

Have fun! I can't wait to read the details of your trip.

Margaret said...

So TRUE!! You have to BLOG and record such an event. It leaves you feeling so free but totally out of place that you don't know where to go or start!
I can't believe you will be on this side of the world. It definitely is something to experience without all the traveling and jet-laggedness.
We will be heading off to the States
so we may just pass eachother in the skies. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time with family.