Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kiersa's accomplishments

At 6 months old, Kiersa is wearing size 12 months clothes. At the same age, Talea was wearing 3 month clothes, and Hyatt was wearing 6 months clothes. She is definitely my chubber baby. Because of this chub, she's less mobile than my other kids were. She is finally sitting up very well, alone, for long lengths of time without us having to worry about her toppling over. My other kids did this at 5 months, so Kiersa, being 6 months, is a month behind them, but I always hear that chubby babies do physical things slower than slim babies. I guess they have too much "roundness" that makes it difficult to do things other than roll around. She'll probably walk at a year rather than 9 or 10 months like my others did. Kiersa, I have to say, has been way better at rolling over than my other kids. She's 18.5 pounds (95th%) and 26 inches (75th%). I think her round shape helps her out. My others were so skinny (they were never over the 25th% in weight or height at her age), that they hardly ever rolled about. So, Kiersa sits, rolls, tries to eat everything you're eating, walks in her walker and pulls herself everywhere around the house on her tummy, doing an army crawl. She'll be crawling on hands and knees soon, if she can remember to keep her knees under her.
Feeding Kiersa is about as easy as feeding a pinball, mid-game. I sold my high chair since I don't have space for one up here, so we just feed her in her walker, which enables her to bounce about when she's excited, like when she's eating. She eats fine now, but when she bounces, everything ends up on her cheeks, eyes, nose and forehead, rather than her mouth. I have yet to remember to take a picture of it.


Teresa Jolley said...

Just because your other two were sitting up so early, Kiersa is about right on time for normal kids. My kids were about 6 months when they started sitting up. I know Star was kind of chunky but doesn't even compare to your precious jewel. I love the pic of her big smile. I still can't figure out who she looks like. She has a little of Talea and Hyatt in her.

The Lanyons said...

I love chubby babies!!!

John-Maren Goodman said...

GOOOO Kiersa!~~ She is the absolute, hands down, cutest chubby baby I've ever seen, but then I'm prejudice cuz she's my niece! To me, in her face, she looks alot like her daddy! So adorable! Your Aunt Maren Loves you Kiersa Milly!