Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chaos erupts

Well, I got 95% of the packing completed before the kids returned, plus I managed to take up the hem of a pair of maternity pants (8.75 inches...are the majority of pregnant women Amazons?), washed a full-length mirror (that was covered in sticky hand prints) with Windex, but forgot to put the Windex away, did more laundry, and fed/watered all the animals, discovering that our kittens are old enough to eat kitten food now.
Then the tornado hit. The kids returned, much to my joy, and the destruction began, much to my dismay. While I was downstairs getting more things done for the trip, I came upstairs to find that a water/chemical war had been waged. Talea had SOAKED Hyatt and the floor with a water bottle, and Hyatt had retaliated with the Windex bottle I'd forgotten to put out of reach. They had stripped their bedding, unpacked part of a suitcase and left a crud load of work for me in their wake. Did I mention before I'm short on patience? WHOOPIN' TIME!!! Commence the cold showers, cries of mercy, 5,000 I'm sorrys in a row, and bath time. Innocent Kiersa slept through it all.

I thought all was forgiven and the children would be meek and humbled by their punishments, but Ohhhh, was I wrong! After this picture, there was splashing of the floor, hitting, and tattling. When is Hyrum getting home!!!! And how do single moms of several children cope?


Teresa Jolley said...

Kids are so wonderful don't you think?? At least you got the majority of your packing done. That's impressive.

Marcee said...

I have had many days like this! I am laughing so hard right now... Sorry Tiana. Today my house looks like a torando came through, and guess what, 2 of the kids were in school all day and one took a 2 1/2hour nap!! How does this happen I ask you?? Tomorrow should be better... I hope for the both of us.

Marcee said...

Oh yeah, and then Tim would come home and ask what had been going on all day and what have I been doing all day, you know, those questions that really get you all steamed up! I love that...

The Lanyons said...

Oh man, I feel a little responsible for your problems right now since it's my house you're coming to!! Hope you can get it all done in time! Wish I could help.

The Lanyons said...
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John-Maren Goodman said...

I know I only have two, but I totally feel your pain! My two yr old is reacing havic on everything he touches, and my patients has all but ran out! I know he is just acting out because of the baby, but it seems all I do is punish, and I feel like the worst parent in the world!