Friday, September 5, 2008


Okay, I finished my tags.

I posted things for all the lonely pictures that were on my camera so it's clear and
ready for a million pictures of England and Paris (did I mention we're going to Paris for one of the days?'s close to London).

It's now time to say goodbye to all for 3 weeks. I most likely won't be commenting on your posts until I return. I may use Daisha's computer to blog about our trip while we're gone, but I'm not sure if I'll be putting pictures on the posts until I return becuase I don't want to download them on her computer instead of mine. We'll see what I figure out.

Bye for now!

By the way, if you want to see where we'll be, just put London in on Google maps, and then you'll be able to see Eynsford (southeast of London) on the map, just outside of London.


John-Maren Goodman said...

I'm so absolutely jealous, I can't hardly stand it!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys also!! I hope you have the time of your lives, and bring back tons of fun stories and memories to share with us!!

Marcee said...

I say to ditto to the comment above... Not only London but Paris too!!! I hope you have so much fun. And for 3 whole weeks!! Have a fabulous trip!

John-Maren Goodman said...

I miss you guys already, like I have seen you everyday until now, and I haven't seen you guys since Keirsa was born! I guess your blog is like being close so we can keep up with you everyday! I'm on your blog everyday~ I really hope your having a blast, and no has gotten sick from the water jk lol! ;)

John-Maren Goodman said...

P.S. I always miss you! Just wanted you to know you guys are loved and missed! MUAH~