Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google Reader

My friend, Kylene, uses google reader to keep track of all the new posts her friends write. I finally got smart and set it up for myself and it's made my life so much easier, not to mention saved me lots of time. This isn't something so interesting to post, but I thought I'd tell people about it since I didn't know about it until Kylene mentioned it, and it's made things more simple in my life. I now can check ONE place to see the new posts rather than having to click on everyone's blogs to see if they have a new one out. Set it up and you'll be grateful.


John-Maren Goodman said...

I have something like that on my blog know! It shows how long it's been since each blogger has posted anything! It's a gadget that blog offers that you can add to your layout! I love it too!

The Lanyons said...

That sounds fun - I love little virtual gadgets like that. I'll have to check it out.

Teresa Jolley said...

How do you do it, that would make things alot simplier.