Saturday, September 27, 2008

English Vacation (Day 20): Jet Lag

The Johnson Jinx hit us this morning in the form of jet lag, or should I say children lag. Here are the events that occurred today that I attribute to the Johnson Jinx.

Lack of sleep.
At 12:30 am this morning, Kiersa woke up. Ugh! She's on English time still and to her it's 8:30 am and time to be up playing. She only nursed for a minute, then she just fussed until I made her a bottle. Kiersa and I have had a hard struggle with nursing, and she's my first baby that has caused me serious pain...for the whole 7 months she's been nursing. I think she'll be weened this month since she only nurses for a couple of minutes twice a day and then gets mad at me, and all I'm left with is horrid pain and a fussy baby. She doesn't even have teeth yet, but has always managed to inflict pain on me on almost a daily basis since the day she was born.

Anyway, she didn't want a bottle, but she wanted to be up and playing. I could hardly bear it with only a couple hours of sleep under my belt, but after about an hour or so, she finally took her bottle and went back to sleep...until 3:30 when she wanted to get up again. I about died. I was trying to recover from the jet lag (there's an 8 hour time difference between England and Oregon), but her getting up all night wasn't helping. She went back to sleep around 4 am, when Hyatt and Talea woke up hungry and ready to start their day. I figured there was no point in trying to go back to sleep again, so I made them sandwiches (then Kiersa woke up again) and folded the blankets and secured car seats in the car until Hyrum woke up. We left Angi's at 5:30 am and headed up Hwy 101.

We stopped in Eureka to shop at Costco since that's Hyrum's favorite store. We miss not having a Costco in our area. I wish I lived close to a Costco, Target, Les Schwab and WalMart. I always base whether I could live in an area on if it has those stores (yet I don't have a Costco or Target here). I don't really care about shopping at other stores that much. We got our Christmas shopping done for Kiersa and Talea, which is a first in our procrastinating history.

We also stopped in Crescent City at their castle park. It's seriously the coolest playground I've seen in a long time, and I wish we had a park like that in our area. The kids loved it!

While we were there, a family group was having a BBQ birthday party which smelled sooooo good, and it made us miss our Johnson family in Utah really bad. Even though there's almost constant drama out there, the Johnsons know how to party and get together often, and we really miss those get togethers. Hyrum's entire family (aside from one sister and him) live within an hour of each other, and he has aunts, cousins and grandparents there too. We suddenly had a longing to move to Utah to be close to family. Or better yet, for Hyrum's family to give up Utah and move to Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho or Montana.

Don't be fooled. The Johnson Jinx didn't end with just a lack of sleep this morning. Several more surprises awaited us later.

Locked out.
We got back home around 6:45 pm only to find that Hyrum's employees who had been checking on our house and animals didn't leave our house key at the house, so we were locked out. It took almost an hour, bent cards, bent trowels, breaking into the big house to get our tall ladder, and crying kids before we were able to get into our apartment. If Hyrum's employee, Jeremy, didn't live 45 minutes away, we would have had him bring us the key that evening.

No hot water.
We got in the house, desperate to take showers (since it had been the evening before our departure when we took showers last) and brush our teeth (our tooth brushes had been packed away in our suitcases that would have exploded if I'd opened them), but there wasn't any hot water. We had turned off the water heater before we left. Luckily, we have a new water heater and it didn't take long for it to heat up once Hyrum turned it back on.

No football.
Hyrum turned on the TV to watch his football games he'd recorded while we were gone, only to realize that we'd turned off the electronic equipment at the surge protector in case anything happened while we were gone, so nothing had been recorded.


John-Maren Goodman said...

Wow what worlwind of yucky things happening on your venture home! You guys are always so good at handling those situations well though. I bet it just felt good to say you were home though!
Oh I was wanting to say we actually haven't had a ton of drama really in the past yr. Atleast not that family has caused. There is always unforseen things like sickness and whatnot...I think the only family drama has been Rachel that I can recall, so we are getting better! That a plus for this family right.

The Not-a-hoes said...

well i have to say it does suck about most of the things...but when we lived in that apt the showers were ALWAYS cold! we had about 10 min of hot water and bam it was freezing!!
I understand about the drama....its more of a behind the back type of situation and yes it would be easy to just move out of state...but i would rather deal with it head on than try to ignore it. family is way too important to me! it just makes for fun road trips to see everyone else!

The Lanyons said...

Hey!!! I thought the coolest playground you'd seen in a long time was the one at Godstone Farm!